It is pesky or importunate but still it depends on the sentence that you will use. it can also be mischievous or stubborn.
The English word for "makulit" is "playful" or "mischievous".
MAKULIT in English: teaser
"I love you because you are playful."
Don't be so stubborn.
Persistent Demanding Unrelenting Annoying Over-eager Harassing
The Tagalog word "makulit" has many equivalent words in English they are the following:importunate (troublesomely urgent or persistent in requesting; pressingly entreating)mischievous (playful in a naughty or teasing way or troublesome or irritating)nag (asking questions repeatedly which is sometimes disgusting and irritable)pesky (annoying or disgusting)
pardon me if sometimes I am importunate
The Tagalog word "makulit" has many equivalent words in English they are the following:importunate (troublesomely urgent or persistent in requesting; pressingly entreating)mischievous (playful in a naughty or teasing way or troublesome or irritating)nag (asking questions repeatedly which is sometimes disgusting and irritable)pesky (annoying or disgusting)
"Makulit" in Tagalog refers to someone who is playful, mischievous, or annoyingly persistent in a humorous way.
Oh, dude, "makulit" in English is like... "annoying" or "persistent." So, if someone keeps bugging you or won't leave you alone, you could say they're being "makulit." It's kinda like that annoying friend who just won't stop texting you, you know?