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Q: Why the poet says you would the lord of the tartary?
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they think you look like a poet?

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it is because the lord says that you should have one god which would be the lord

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The Priest says, "The Lord be with you" during the Introduction rite and the Concluding rite.

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on Itunes it says its " Alternative "

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What book would you be most interested in reading Why?

A book i woulb be most interested in would be Sirach 18:1-13, Because I like the part where it says The Lord alone is just.A book i woulb be most interested in would be Sirach 18:1-13, Because I like the part where it says The Lord alone is just.

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he says it would be a good place to live

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The poet is addressing himself and the passers-bye of that place. It was a clarion call of poet to himself and others also to be charmed hearing her melancholy Stein

What is the country song that says we would all be speaking German if it wasn't for the man?

John Rich - The Good Lord and the Man

What is the meaning for saith?

"Saith" is an obsolete way of saying "says"As in ..."Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord", which means "Vengeance is mine, says the Lord." It can only be used where you would use "says", never where you would use "say".