The maximum speed of MGA 1600 4cyl 90HP 1962 was 97.8 miles per hour.
The maximum speed of the 1962 Porsche 1600 s 4cyl 90hp is 100 mph.
The maximum speed of the Porsche 1600 s 4cyl 75hp 1962 is 175 km/h .
The maximum speed of the 1962 Mercury Comet is 81 mph.
The maximum speed of the bergantin 6cyl 115HP 1962 is 137 miles per hour.
The maximum speed of the 1962 Volvo 122 4cyl 90hp is 99 mph.
The maximum speed of the 1962 Volvo 121 4cyl 75hp is 85.7 mph.
The maximum speed of the 1962 DKW van 3cyl 50hp is 71 mph.
The maximum speed of a 1962 simca 5 4cyl 65HP is 65mph or 104kph.
The maximum speed of the Bergantin 4cyl 76HP 1962 is 90 miles per hour.
The maximum speed of the 1962 Plymouth Sport Fury is 105 mph.
The maximum speed of the 1962 Rambler American 400 is 97 mph.
The maximum speed of Panhard Dyna 2cyl 42HP 1962 is 180 km per hour.