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Q: Which products have been beneficial to man?
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How do silk worm are beneficial to man?

silkworms are beneficial to man for it gives silk to man.

What is artifficially made?

Something that has been artificially made has been made with man-made products rather than natural products.

Can be utilized to be beneficial to man?


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How beneficial are anti aging products?

There are many products that are beneficial, but it will also depend on the condition of your skin. You can check out websites such as: You should also consult with a dermatologist.

What are the beneficial products of volcanic activity?

The beneficial products of volcanic activity is that the earth/soil will be filled with nutrients. yeah and: the hawaiian islands geothermal energy and what was written up above sheep_dog/is*me (:

Is a man's sperm good for you?

No, consuming a man's sperm is not beneficial for your health.

How do lizard are beneficial to man?

lizards are beneficial to people because they eat pests and make awesome pets

What beneficial claims does La Therapie products promote?

The beneficial claims that La Th̩rapie products claim are for example that they promote skin elasticity, fight acne and that they heal and increase cell regeneration.