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Q: What was found in Nag Hammadi?
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When did Nag Hammadi massacre happen?

Nag Hammadi massacre happened on 2010-01-07.

Why do you need the Nag Hammadi scrolls?

The Nag Hammadi scrolls (The Dead Sea Scrolls) are not "necessary" for anything passage of the Bible. They do, however, provide us assurance of the accuracy of transmission of Biblical passages over the years as well as insight into the desert religious community that authored them.

What is Nag Hammadi writings?

The Nag Hammadi writings are a collection of ancient texts discovered in Egypt in 1945. These texts are Gnostic in nature and provide insight into alternative Christian beliefs and practices from the early centuries of the Common Era. They include the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Mary Magdalene.

What is the name of the collection of heretical Gnostic texts discovered in Egypt in 1945?

They are called the Nag Hammadi texts, after the region in Egypt in which they were unearthed.

What do present day followers of nag hamadi believe?

Quite simply, Nag Hammadi is not a religion or philosophy that can be followed. It's a city in Egypt where 13 papyrus codices were found in December 1945. These codices consisted of Gnostic writings believed to have been hidden by nearby monks in the third century.

What has the author James McConkey Robinson written?

James McConkey Robinson has written: 'Theology as history' -- subject(s): Christianity, Doctrinal Theology, History, History of doctrines, Religious aspects of History 'The beginnings of dialectic theology' -- subject(s): Dialectical theology 'The Nag Hammadi codices' -- subject(s): Chenoboskion manuscripts, Gnosticism, Nag Hammadi codices, Nag Hammadi texts 'The problem of history in Mark and other Marcan studies' -- subject(s): Bible, Criticism, interpretation, Gnosticism 'The Nag Hammadi Library in English' -- subject(s): Gnostic literature, Gnosticism 'The secrets of Judas' -- subject(s): Gnostic interpretations, Gnosticism, Gospel of Judas 'An new quest of the Historical Jesus' -- subject(s): Demythologization, History 'The Sayings Gospel Q' -- subject(s): Bible, Criticism, interpretation, Q hypothesis (Synoptics criticism)

Where were the banned gnostic gospels found?

The banned Gnostic Gospels were found in Nag Hammadi, Egypt in 1945. These ancient texts include the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Mary, and the Gospel of Judas, among others, providing alternative accounts of Jesus' teachings and early Christian beliefs.

Why was Jesus mentioned in the lost gospels of gnostic writing found in 1947?

A:Early Christianity was divided into two main branches, which some scholars believe were of roughly equal sizes. One branch eventually managed to dominate and become the Church we know today, including Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant denominations. The gnostic churches were the other early branch, but became extinct after centuries of persecution under Christian emperors.Both branches of Christianity worshipped Jesus, so it is natural that he is included in the Gnostic scriptures found at Nag Hammadi. The books found at Nag Hammadi were hidden by Gnostics at the end of the fourth century so that they would not be destroyed by marauding mobs of Catholic-Orthodox Christians after their own sect was made illegal.

What are the Nag Hamaddi Gospels?

The Nag Hammadi texts are a group of texts written in Coptic which were discovered in Egypt in 1945. They constitute a body of Gnostic Christian literature, as well as a few Hermetic and Greek philosophical texts, such as a translation of Plato's works. They have been dated to the second century A.D.

Why is Jesus mentioned in the Gnostic scriptures?

A:Early Christianity was divided into two main branches, which some scholars believe were of roughly equal sizes. One branch eventually managed to dominate and become the Church we know today, including Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant denominations. The gnostic churches were the other early branch, but became extinct after centuries of persecution under Christian emperors.Both branches of Christianity worshipped Jesus, so it is natural that he is included in the books found at Nag Hammadi and elsewhere. The books found at Nag Hammadi were hidden by Gnostics at the end of the fourth century so that they would not be destroyed by marauding mobs of Catholic-Orthodox Christians after their own sect was made illegal.

When was Mohammed Ali Hammadi born?

Mohammed Ali Hammadi was born in 1964.

When did Mohammed Ali Hammadi die?

Mohammed Ali Hammadi died in 2010.