Ang Tagalog ng "matching type" ay "pantukoy na uri" o "uring pantukoy".
The translation of the word "emulate" in Tagalog is "tumular."
The Tagalog translation for the word "revolt" is "rebolto."
Tagalog translation of ADVISER: tagapayo
The Tagalog translation for protector is "tagapagtanggol."
The English translation of the Tagalog word "kaisa" is "unity" or "solidarity."
The Tagalog translation of the English word "adviser" is "tagapayo" or "tagapayo."
Tagalog Translation of CARTILAGE: kartilago
tagalog translation of industrialization: industriyalisasyon
The Tagalog translation of the English word "house" is "bahay."
The translation of the word "strawberry" in Tagalog is "strawberry."
Tagalog translation of ABOUT: tungkol