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Q: What is the tagalog of devastated?
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What is the translation of devastated in tagalog?

The translation of "devastated" in Tagalog is "nabagsak" or "sinalanta."

What is the English meaning of the Tagalog nasalanta?

The English meaning of "nasalanta" is "affected by a disaster" or "devastated."

How do you spell devistated?

Yes, it is spelt correctly in the question.

What is an antonym for devastated?

An antonym for devastated is brightly glad

When did Mount Vesuvius erupt at Pompeii?

Mount Vesuvius devastated Pompeii in August of 79 AD.Mount Vesuvius devastated Pompeii in August of 79 AD.Mount Vesuvius devastated Pompeii in August of 79 AD.Mount Vesuvius devastated Pompeii in August of 79 AD.Mount Vesuvius devastated Pompeii in August of 79 AD.Mount Vesuvius devastated Pompeii in August of 79 AD.Mount Vesuvius devastated Pompeii in August of 79 AD.Mount Vesuvius devastated Pompeii in August of 79 AD.Mount Vesuvius devastated Pompeii in August of 79 AD.

What year did Mount Vesuvius eruption devastate pomopiee?

Pompeii was devastated by Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD.Pompeii was devastated by Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD.Pompeii was devastated by Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD.Pompeii was devastated by Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD.Pompeii was devastated by Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD.Pompeii was devastated by Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD.Pompeii was devastated by Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD.Pompeii was devastated by Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD.Pompeii was devastated by Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD.

How many smaller words are in Devastated?

Words that can be made from the letters in 'devastated' are:aadaddaddsadsasatateavedaddadadadsdatadatedateddatesdeaddeadestdeeddeedsdetestdevastateeaseeasedeasteateatseaveeavesestateevadeevadedevadeseveevessadsatsatesatedsavesavedseaseatseatedsedatesedatedseeseedsetstatestatedstavestavedsteadsteedtadtastetastedtattatsteateasteaseteasedteatteatsteeteestesttestedvasevastvatvatsvestvestedvetvets

When was Devastated created?

Devastators was created in 1988.

What is the tagalog of english?

The Tagalog word for "English" is "Ingles."

What region was devastated by Hurricane Katrina?

Hurricane Katrina devastated the region nearest the Gulf of Mexico.

How many syllables are in the word devastated?

The word devastated has four syllables. (Dev-a-stat-ed)

What is the repay in the tagalog?

The tagalog of the answer is!sagot the tagalog of is that you!ikaw yon the tagalog of she is!babae