"Maganda ang sense of humor" is how you would say "has a good sense of humor" in Tagalog.
The Tagalog word for humor is "katatawanan."
Yes, "sense of humor" is a compound word which is created by combining "sense" and "humor" to create a new term with a distinct meaning.
The Tagalog word for "silly" is "engot" or "engot ka."
The meaning of satire in Tagalog is "satira." It refers to a literary work or performance that uses humor, irony, or exaggeration to criticize or mock people, society, or politics in order to provoke change or highlight absurdities.
The phrase "sense of humor" originated in the 17th century, with "sense" meaning "perception" or "faculty of feeling" and "humor" referring to temperament or disposition. It was used to describe a person's ability to perceive and appreciate comedy or amusement.
The meaning of synesthesia in Tagalog is "sinestezya." It is a condition in which one sense (such as hearing) is simultaneously perceived as if by one or more additional senses (such as sight or taste).
Because they have a sense of humor retard
A raw sense of humor is when someone finds typically highly offensive things are funny. Tosh.O and Jeselnik are two TV show host who are a prime example of this.
Odd sense of humor; peculiar sense of humor. It is means you have a different sense of humor than most people and when people say this, they mean it as a good thing.
A sense of humor is a specific trait in which someone can both appreciate humor and express humor.
A good sense of humor is subtle. A good sense of humor is sharp.