ang meaning nyan ay................L...O.....A........D....I........N....G....
Actually, "dip" is a verb, but not an action verb. It is specifically a transitive verb, meaning it requires an object to complete its meaning. For example, "I dip my chip in salsa."
This is the word dip: βουτιά
The Dip sign warns a driver that the road has a sudden drop in elevation
To dip one's toe in the water is to test something out, cautiously, and without committing yourself to it.
You cannot make dip with nothing. The only way to make dip with nothing is in your imagination.
One dip's worth.
It won't go bad for only one hour.
It doesn't have one. The fluid can only be checked with a special tool only available to the dealer.
you can't, it will only fade.
First you have to let it thaw a little, meaning taking it out of the freezer and letting the dip defrost for about 10 mins or more depending on how much dip you have, then putting it in a microwaveable container and voila!
With the following ingredients that is combined in the dill weed dip. The sour cream or if you use cream cheese will last 3days in the fridge. As long as you don't let the dip say in a heated place for longer than 1hour.=If the dip is out for longer than 3hours please only put in fridge for one day. That way on one will get sick on the mayonnaise and the sour cream.=