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di ba nagtatanong nga di ba no.............. ang kulit ni rodel at Philip

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Q: What is the function of an internode?
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What is the function of the internode?

ewan ko BASTA.... damag kau nga damag.

What is the function of internode in plant?

di ko alam kya ko nga tinatanong eh!

What is the different between a node and internode?

THE POINT FROM WHERE THE LEAF ARISES IS KNOWN AS NODE. THE DISTANCE between 2 consequitive nodes is known as internode.. from a node leaf arises but from the internode no leaf arises internode is a part of stem as node is not but is a part of leaf

Does internode length change during growth?

Yes, internode length can change during growth. Internodes are the segments between nodes on a plant stem, and they elongate as the plant grows to space out the nodes and allow for optimal light exposure and airflow. Factors such as light, water, nutrients, and hormones can influence the rate of internode elongation.

Space between two tree nodes is called?

The internode.

What is the difference between an internode and node of ranvier?

A Node of Ranvier is the space between two myelinated segments on an axon, while an internode is the space between two Nodes of Ranvier (alternativenly, the myelinated segment).

What is the definition of internode?

Internode is a section between two nodes. It is commonly used in the field of Botany in referring to the part of a plant stem between two nodes and in Anatomy as the part of a nerve fiber between two nodes.

What are d common parts of dicot stem?

main stem=secondary stem==node==internode=

What is inter-node?

An internode is a portion of plant stem between nodes. An internodal segment is a portion of nerve fibre.

What are nodes and internodes?

In plants, nodes are the points where leaves, buds, and branches are attached to the stem. Internodes are the segments of stem between two nodes. Nodes play a crucial role in the growth and development of plants by producing new leaves and branches.

What best describes how MS stops action potential propagation?

Without myelin, the internode membrane resistance decreases, preventing local currents from reaching adjacent nodes. Myelin increases the membrane resistance of the axon section it surrounds, allowing local currents to travel between nodes, even though they are 1-2 mm apart. Removing myelin decreases the membrane resistance of internode regions. This shortens the distance that local currents travel because more charge now exits at the internode regions before it reaches the next node.

What is the space between nodes called?

The space between nodes in a network is typically referred to as an edge or a link. This edge represents the connection or relationship between the nodes in the network.