"Paghuhukom" is a short story by Lualhati Bautista that focuses on the characters of Mario, Nellie, and their daughter Lily. The story delves into themes of power dynamics, gender roles, and societal expectations within a family setting.
paghuhuk0m?.ang paghuhukom ay ang pagdating ni kristo sa mundo..
si Chart KObjitti
The feeling or emotion of a story is it's mood.
It is basically mythology.
I/you/we/they feel. He/she/it feels. The present participle is feeling.
I/you/we/they feel. He/she/it feels. The present participle is feeling.
The feeling the reader gets while reading a story is generally referred to as the "mood" of a story. Moods can range from bleak and depressing to hopeful or uplifting.
Kind can be an adjective, feeling is a noun or the present participle of the verb 'to feel'.
Literary Terminology
The present perfect tense for "you heard a strange story" is "you have heard a strange story."