

What is personal function?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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tanong mo sa lola mo kunware gumagawa ka ng assignment mo pero nagfefacebook ka lang kapal muks...

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Q: What is personal function?
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What partof speech is personal?

The word "personal" can function as both an adjective and a noun.

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-personal (of yourself or another person) -pratical (what makes sense/necessary or needed) -cultural (religion, culture, of a specific place)

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The hose on the Chrome Five-function Personal Handheld Shower Head is 72 inches.

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It is the idea on which the essay is centered

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The Personal Injury Panel is a group that lawyers who specialize (or are experts) in personal injury law can join. The panel is operated by the Law Society.

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No, it is a essay and article

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PC Personal Computer Has alot of functions, including media, and entertainment.

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The function of a personal letter is to communicate thoughts, feelings, and information to someone in a more intimate and personalized way compared to other forms of communication. It is often used to convey emotions, share news, express gratitude, offer support, or simply keep in touch with loved ones.

Which function of a thesis statement in a personal essay?

The function of a thesis statement in a personal essay is to provide a clear focus and direction for the reader. It states the main idea or argument that the essay will explore and support. Additionally, it helps the writer stay on track and ensures that the essay has a cohesive structure.

What statement best describes the function of RAM in a personal computer?

RAM is an acronym for 'random access memory'.

What are two pronouns that can be used as either subjects or objects?

The two personal pronouns that function as subject or object are you and it.

What is the function of stylish?

The main function and reason for being stylish is to enhance your look and make you look attractive on the oiutside. There are many different mainstream styles as well as personal styles that you can choose from.