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Q: What is Trait Transmission?
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What is the importance of DNA in transmission of trait?

ghfgdvfgr bahala kang maghanap by;orlinx

What is the most likely mode of transmission for a trait that is not expressed in parents but is expressed by one half of the sons?

Rare X-linked recessive

Can cetain behavers be pass down through genes to children?

Certain behavioral traits can. For instance, one can inherit a trait such as risk aversion which may not be expressed in the immediate environment as a behavior, or this trait may be consciously modified into less risky behavior. Still, the trait has been show to be heritable and the evidence supports genetic transmission.

A trait that is hidden?

The trait that is hidden is recessive trait.

What causes a branch in a cladogram?

A new trait a derived trait

In a hybrid individual the trait that is covered and not expressed is the what trait?


What trait masksthe othor form of a trait?

The dominant trait masks the recessive trait.

What is the name of a weak trait that is masked by a stronger trait?

A weak trait that is masked by a stronger trait is often referred to as a "shadow trait" or a "secondary trait". These traits may not be immediately apparent due to the dominance of the stronger trait.

13 What is the name of a weak trait that is masked by a stronger trait?

The weaker trait is called the recessive trait The stronger one is called the dominant trait

What is a trait that masks a trait called?

A trait that masks another trait is called a dominant trait. This means that when an organism carries both dominant and recessive alleles for a particular gene, only the dominant trait will be expressed in the phenotype.

What is the type of trait that is ruling called?

The ruling trait is the Dominant trait.

When a trait has more than two alleles is that trait inherited?

If one parent has a dominant trait and and another parent has a recessive trait, then the recessive trait gets hidden while the dominant trait gets shown.