that is an incomplete expression but it could be:
"¿a quien no le gustaría verse tan bien como te ves tú año tras año?"
and that means: Who wouldn't like to look as good as you year after year?
Apparently, it is a response to a "How are you?" question. "Muy bien, y usted como esta?" means "Very well, and you, how are you?"
I don't know you very well, but how pretty you are
Well, how was your Christmas?
it means: it was good, how do you do it. (:
"Como esta" translates to "how are you" in English.
Tranlation: "to look so good" I.e. Te ves tan bien en esa blusa roja. -- You look so good in that red blouse. (It does not mean "to look so good" in the sense of not looking evil.)
¡Que bien! means: That's great.
"Bien court" means "pretty short"
bien chiquita means very small
J'aime bien means I like
bien merci = fine, thanks
'como es' means 'how is'