

What are the example of distillation?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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si christian ay panget sabi ni layka :DD

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Q: What are the example of distillation?
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What is an example distillation?

The definition of Distillation is A process in which a solution is boiled so the vaporized solvent can be collected and condensed into an uncontaminated liquid.

Fractional distillation cannot be use to?

To separate gold from silver, for example.

Why would you use distillation?

Distillation is a method used to separate the components of a liquid, or increase the purity of a liquid. For example, one can generally make highly pure water through distillation. Alcohols can also be concentrated with distillation which is used to make hard alcohols. One should note, however, that there are often contaminants that co-distill... so for example distilled spirits are rarely pure. Potentially heat-stable solids could also be distilled in some cases. Also see fractional distillation and reflux distillation.

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What is an example of distillation?

A classic example which unused oftenly and is creating global warming are, alcohol and petrol. (sometimes Kerosene)

What is the process that separates a mixture based on the boiling points?

That's "fractional distillation" or in the world of oil, "fracking."

What is the technique used to separate a solvent from a solution.?

The simplest method is distillation.

What is the distillation of water and ink useful for?

Not a lot. But distillation is used to separate the components of a mixture. A scenario where distillation of urine for example is useful is if you are stranded in a desert. You can find a way to distill your urine so that the water in it evaporates and condenses so that you have pure drinkable water... Distillation of ink however is not very useful unless you wanted to identify different parts of ink

Is an orange sqeezed to make orange juice is example of distillation?

No. No, boiling the water out of it would be distilling it down.

Is condensation a type of distillation?

Not really. It's a part of distillation, not a type of distillation.

What is solar distillation?

solar distillation is

What are some uses of distillation?

Distillation is used to remove a low boiling liquid from a higher boiling liquid or solid. Water can be distilled out of salt water to leave the salts behind. Gasoline is distilled out of crude oil. Seam distillation can also be used, for example to distill clove oil out of cloves.