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Q: What are the claims that can be disproven?
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For a scientific claim to be meaningful it must be capable of being disproven This is the critical thinking principle of?

falsifiability. This principle suggests that for a scientific claim to be valid, it must be testable and potentially refutable through evidence and observation. By being able to be disproven, scientific claims can be rigorously tested and evaluated for accuracy.

Can a scientific theory ever be disproven?


Can rum burn calories?

It has not been proven, nor disproven.

What do you call a concept that has not been proven or disproven yet?

A theory

Who was the first man to climb a North American mountain?

While there were several claims to having successfully reached mountain summits many were later disproven. The first successfull and accuratley documanted climb of a North American mountain was of Mt. McKinley in 1913 by an expidition led by Hudson Stuck

Are witches and ghouls real?

This is undetermined. It has neither been proven or disproven.

Is heat is a substance called caloric?

No, that is a disproven belief. Heat is a form of energy.

A widely accepted scientific idea which cannot be proven nor disproven?

Dependent variable

Why are claims since disproven not immediately removed from the Bible?

Nothing has been disproven. You cannot remove something that is true. Because there are many Christians (such as I, that will say, what has been disproven... Science only has theories and what was true yesterday, may not be true tomorrow, but the Bible has many prophecies that have been fulfilled. I will stick to God's word every day. It has not changed (Although some translations are better than others) I prefer the NIV 1984 edition.

A theory that has been proven true repeatedly over time and never disproven is called?

A Law



What is an axioma?

An axioma is another term for an axiom - a truth based on assumption - a principle which cannot be proven or disproven.