Gabi Goslar is now living In Israel .
Gabi Geist was born in 1953, in Rttingen, Bavaria, Germany.
No Gabi is alive and Well she was only a baby during the Start and Ending of the Holocaust she is in her 60 or 70 years old
All she had left was her little 4 year old sister, Gabi with her, but she had an uncle living in Switzerland that she went to live with.
Jürgen Goslar was born on 1927-03-26.
Hannah Goslars little sister was Gabi Goslar, born in 1940 (ca). They both survived the concentration camp Bergen- Belsen and was after sent to their uncle in Switzerland. As far as I know she lives today.
Lotte Goslar was born on February 27, 1907, in Dresden, Germany.
hanneli pick-goslar is still alive today and is in her mid 80s
Lotte Goslar died on October 16, 1997, in West Cornwall, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA.
What happened to Hannah Pick-Goslar classmates and he teachers wife?
Gabi Gabi is in Zulu.