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Q: Unang pilipino na naging UN Assembly Pres?
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Which institution of the UN is like a parliament of nations which meets to consider the worlds most pres sing problems?

The General Assembly.

How many states does the us have and names?

The 50 States of the United States of America: ----------------------------------------------------------- State of Delaware: 1787-pres. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: 1787-pres. State of New Jersey: 1787-pres. State of Georgia: 1788-1861, 1870-pres. State of Connecticut: 1788-pres. Commonwealth of Massachusetts: 1788-pres. State of Maryland: 1788-pres. State of South Carolina: 1788-1860, 1868-pres. State of New Hampshire: 1788-pres. Commonwealth of Virginia: 1788-1861, 1870-pres. State of New York: 1788-pres. State of North Carolina: 1789-1861, 1868-pres. State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations: 1790-pres. State of Vermont: 1791-pres. Commonwealth of Kentucky: 1792-pres. State of Tennessee: 1796-1861, 1866-pres. State of Ohio: 1803-pres. State of Louisiana: 1812-1861, 1868-pres. State of Indiana: 1816-pres. State of Mississippi: 1817-1861, 1870-pres. State of Illinois: 1818-pres. State of Alabama: 1819-1861, 1868-pres. State of Maine: 1820-pres. State of Missouri: 1821-pres. State of Arkansas: 1836-1861, 1868-pres. State of Michigan: 1837-pres. State of Florida: 1845-1861, 1868-pres. State of Texas: 1845-1861, 1870-pres. State of Iowa: 1846-pres. State of Wisconsin: 1848-pres. State of California: 1850-pres. State of Minnesota: 1858-pres. State of Oregon: 1859-pres. State of Kansas: 1861-pres. State of West Virginia: 1863-pres. State of Nevada: 1864-pres. State of Nebraska: 1867-pres. State of Colorado: 1876-pres. State of North Dakota: 1889-pres. State of South Dakota: 1889-pres. State of Montana: 1889-pres. State of Washington: 1889-pres. State of Idaho: 1890-pres. State of Wyoming: 1890-pres. State of Utah: 1896-pres. State of Oklahoma: 1907-pres. State of New Mexico: 1912-pres. State of Arizona: 1912-pres. State of Alaska: 1959-pres. State of Hawaii: 1959-pres. Also, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico officially requested statehood on December 11, 2012. The U.S. Congress has not yet voted on it.

Who becomes pres of the united State when the pres and the vice pres die?

The Speaker of The House Does

If the vice pres died who would be pres?

The same

What jobs did pres Obama have before being Pres?


Who are current famous world leaders of 2011?

Abkhazia - Pres. Alexander Ankvab since May 2011 Afghanistan - Pres. Hamid Karzai since December 2001 Albania - Pres. Bujar Nishani since July 2012 Algeria - Pres. Abdelaziz Bouteflika since April 1999 Angola - Pres. José Eduardo dos Santos since September 1979 Argentina - Pres. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner since December 2007 Armenia - Pres. Serzh Sargsyan since April 2008 Austria - Pres. Heinz Fischer since July 2004 Azerbaijan - Pres. Ilham Aliyev since October 2003 Bangladesh - Acting Pres. Abdul Hamid since March 2013 Belarus - Pres. Alexander Lukashenko since July 1994 Benin - Pres. Yayi Boni since April 2006 Bolivia - Pres. Evo Morales since January 2006 Botswana - Pres. Ian Khama since April 2008 Brazil - Pres. Dilma Rousseff since January 2011 Bulgaria - Pres. Rosen Plevneliev since January 2012 Burkina Faso - Pres. Blaise Compaoré since October 1987 Burundi - Pres. Pierre Nkurunziza since August 2005 Cameroon - Pres. Paul Biya since November 1982 Cape Verde - Pres. Jorge Carlos Fonseca since September 2011 Central African Republic - Pres. Michel Djotodia since March 2013 Chad - Pres. Idriss Déby since December 1990 Chile - Pres. Sebastián Piñera since March 2010 China - Pres. Xi Jinping since November 2012 Colombia - Pres. Juan Manuel Santos since August 2010 Comoros - Pres. Ikililou Dhoinine since May 2011 Democratic Republic of the Congo - Pres. Joseph Kabila since January 2001 Republic of the Congo - Pres. Denis Sassou Nguesso since October 1997 Costa Rica - Pres. Laura Chinchilla since May 2010 Côte d'Ivoire - Pres. Alassane Ouattara since December 2010 Croatia - Pres. Ivo Josipović since February 2010 Cyprus - Pres. Nicos Anastasiades since February 2013 Czech Republic - Pres. Miloš Zeman since March 2013 Djibouti - Pres. Ismaïl Omar Guelleh since May 1999 Dominica - Pres. Eliud Williams since September 2012 Dominican Republic - Pres. Danilo Medina since August 2012 Ecuador - Pres. Rafael Correa since January 2007 Egypt - Pres. Mohamed Morsi since June 2012 Equatorial Guinea - Pres. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo since August 1979 Eritrea - Pres. Isaias Afewerki since April 1991 Estonia - Pres. Toomas Hendrik Ilves since October 2006 Ethiopia - Pres. Girma Wolde-Giorgis since October 2001 Fiji - Pres. Epeli Nailatikau since July 2009 Finland - Pres. Sauli Niinistö since March 2012 France - Pres. François Hollande since May 2012 Gabon - Pres. Ali Bongo Ondimba since October 2009 Gambia - Pres. Yahya Jammeh since July 1994 Georgia - Pres. Mikheil Saakashvili since January 2008 Germany - Pres. Joachim Gauck since March 2012 Ghana - Pres. John Dramani Mahama since July 2012 Greece - Pres. Karolos Papoulias since March 2005 Guatemala - Pres. Otto Pérez Molina since January 2012 Guinea - Pres. Alpha Condé since December 2010 Guinea-Bissau - Acting Pres. Manuel Serifo Nhamadjo since May 2012 Guyana - Pres. Donald Ramotar since December 2011 Haiti - Pres. Michel Martelly since May 2011 Honduras - Pres. Porfirio Lobo Sosa since January 2010 Hungary - Pres. János Áder since May 2012 Iceland - Pres. Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson since August 1996 India - Pres. Pranab Mukherjee since July 2012 Indonesia - Pres. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono since October 2004 Iran - Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad since August 2005 Iraq - Pres. Jalal Talabani since April 2005 Ireland - Pres. Michael D. Higgins since November 2011 Israel - Pres. Shimon Peres since July 2007 Italy - Pres. Giorgio Napolitano since May 2006 Kazakhstan - Pres. Nursultan Nazarbayev since April 1990 Kenya - Pres. Uhuru Kenyatta since April 2013 Kiribati - Pres. Anote Tong since July 2003 Kosovo - Pres. Atifete Jahjaga since April 2011 Kyrgyzstan - Pres. Almazbek Atambayev since December 2011 Laos - Pres. Choummaly Sayasone since March 2006 Latvia - Pres. Andris Bērziņš since July 2011 Lebanon - Pres. Michel Suleiman since May 2008 Liberia - Pres. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf since January 2006 Lithuania - Pres. Dalia Grybauskaitė since July 2009 Macedonia - Pres. Gjorge Ivanov since May 2009 Malawi - Pres. Joyce Banda since April 2012 Maldives - Pres. Mohammed Waheed Hassan since February 2012 Mali - Acting Pres. Dioncounda Traoré since April 2012 Malta - Pres. George Abela since April 2009 Marshall Islands - Pres. Christopher Loeak since January 2012 Mauritania - Pres. Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz since August 2009 Mauritius - Pres. Kailash Purryag since July 2012 México - Pres. Enrique Peña Nieto since December 2012 Micronesia - Pres. Manny Mori since May 2007 Moldova - Pres. Nicolae Timofti since March 2012 Mongolia - Pres. Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj since June 2009 Montenegro - Pres. Filip Vujanović since May 2003 (elected in 2003, 2008 & 2013) Mozambique - Pres. Armando Guebuza since February 2005 Myanmar - Pres. Thein Sein since March 2011 Nagorno-Karabakh - Pres. Bako Sahakyan since September 2007 Namibia - Pres. Hifikepunye Pohamba since March 2005 Nauru - Pres. Sprent Dabwido since November 2011 Nepal - Pres. Ram Baran Yadav since July 2008 Nicaragua - Pres. Daniel Ortega since January 2007 Niger - Pres. Mahamadou Issoufou since April 2011 Nigeria - Pres. Goodluck Jonathan since May 2010 Northern Cyprus - Pres. Derviş Eroğlu since April 2010 Pakistan - Pres. Asif Ali Zardari since September 2008 Palau - Pres. Tommy Remengesau since January 2013 Palestine - Pres. Mahmoud Abbas since January 2005 Panama - Pres. Ricardo Martinelli since July 2009 Paraguay - Pres. Federico Franco since June 2012; Pres.-Elect Horacio Cartes takes office in August 2013 Peru - Pres. Ollanta Humala since July 2011 Philippines - Pres. Benigno Aquino III since June 2010 Poland - Pres. Bronisław Komorowski since August 2010 Portugal - Pres. Aníbal Cavaco Silva since March 2006 Romania - Pres. Traian Băsescu since August 2012 Russia - Pres. Vladimir Putin since May 2012 Rwanda - Pres. Paul Kagame since March 2000 El Salvador - Pres. Mauricio Funes since June 2009 São Tomé and Príncipe - Pres. Manuel Pinto da Costa since September 2011 Senegal - Pres. Macky Sall since April 2012 Serbia - Pres. Tomislav Nikolić since May 2012 Seychelles - Pres. James Michel since April 2004 Sierra Leone - Pres. Ernest Bai Koroma since September 2007 Singapore - Pres. Tony Tan since September 2011 Slovakia - Pres. Ivan Gašparovič since June 2004 Slovenia - Pres. Borut Pahor since December 2012 Somalia - Pres. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud since September 2012 Somaliland - Pres. Ahmed Mahamoud Silanyo since July 2010 South Africa - Pres. Jacob Zuma since May 2009 South Korea - Pres. Park Geun-hye since February 2013 South Ossetia - Pres. Leonid Tibilov since April 2012 South Sudan - Pres. Salva Kiir Mayardit since July 2011 Sri Lanka - Pres. Mahinda Rajapaksa since November 2005 Sudan - Pres. Omar al-Bashir since June 1989 Suriname - Pres. Dési Bouterse since August 2010 Syria - Pres. Bashar al-Assad since July 2000 Tanzania - Pres. Jakaya Kikwete since December 2005 Taiwan - Pres. Ma Ying-jeou since May 2008 Tajikistan - Pres. Emomalii Rahmon since November 1994 Timor-Leste - Pres. Taur Matan Ruak since May 2012 Togo - Pres. Faure Gnassingbé since May 2005 Transnistria - Pres. Yevgeny Shevchuk since December 2011 Trinidad and Tobago - Pres. Anthony Carmona since March 2013 Tunisia - Pres. Moncef Marzouki since December 2011 Turkey - Pres. Abdullah Gül since August 2007 Turkmenistan - Pres. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow since February 2007 Uganda - Pres. Yoweri Museveni since January 1986 Ukraine - Pres. Viktor Yanukovych since February 2010 United Arab Emirates - Pres. Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan since November 2004 United States - Pres. Barack Obama since January 2009 (elected in 2008 & 2012) Uruguay - Pres. José Mujica since March 2010 Uzbekistan - Pres. Islam Karimov since March 1990 Vanuatu - Pres. Iolu Abil since September 2009 Venezuela - Pres. Nicolás Maduro since April 2013 (elected in 2013) Vietnam - Pres. Trương Tấn Sang since July 2011 Yemen - Pres. Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi since November 2011 Zambia - Pres. Michael Sata since September 2011 Zimbabwe - Pres. Robert Mugabe since December 1987

Who becomes president if both pres and vice pres?

Speaker of the house

Ages of presidents?

George Washington : 57.1 to 65.0 when Pres.; died at 67.8John Adams : 61.3 to 65.3 when Pres.; died at 90.6Thomas Jefferson : 57.8 to 65.8 when Pres.; died at 83.2James Madison : 57.9 to 65.9 when Pres.; died at 85.2James Monroe : 58.8 to 66.8 when Pres.; died at 73.1John Quincy Adams : 57.6 to 61.6 when Pres.; died at 80.6Andrew Jackson : 61.9 to 69.9 when Pres.; died at 78.2Martin Van Buren : 54.2 to 58.2 when Pres.; died at 79.6William Henry Harrison : 68.0 to 68.1 when Pres.; died at 68.1John Tyler : 51.0 to 54.9 when Pres.; died at 71.8James K. Polk : 49.3 to 53.3 when Pres.; died at 53.6Zachary Taylor : 64.2 to 65.6 when Pres.; died at 65.6Millard Fillmore : 50.5 to 53.1 when Pres.; died at 74.1Franklin Pierce : 48.2 to 52.2 when Pres.; died at 64.8James Buchanan : 65.8 to 69.8 when Pres.; died at 77.1Abraham Lincoln : 52.0 to 56.1 when Pres.; died at 56.1Andrew Johnson : 56.2 to 60.1 when Pres.; died at 66.5Ulysses S. Grant : 46.8 to 54.8 when Pres.; died at 63.2Rutherford B. Hayes : 54.4 to 58.4 when Pres.; died at 70.2James A. Garfield : 49.2 to 49.8 when Pres.; died at 49.8Chester A. Arthur : 51.9 to 55.4 when Pres.; died at 57.1Grover Cleveland : 47.9 to 51.9 during 1st presidencyBenjamin Harrison : 55.5 to 59.5 when Pres.; died at 67.5Grover Cleveland : 55.9 to 59.9 during 2nd presidency; died at 71.2William McKinley : 54.0 to 58.6 when Pres.; died at 58.6Theodore Roosevelt : 42.8 to 50.3 when Pres.; died at 60.1William Howard Taft : 51.4 to 55.4 when Pres.; died at 72.4Woodrow Wilson : 56.1 to 64.1 when Pres.; died at 67.1Warren G. Harding : 55.3 to 57.7 when Pres.; died at 57.7Calvin Coolidge : 51.0 to 56.6 when Pres.; died at 60.5Herbert Hoover : 54.5 to 58.5 when Pres.; died at 90.1Franklin D. Roosevelt : 51.0 to 63.1 when Pres.; died at 63.1Harry S. Truman : 60.9 to 68.7 when Pres.; died at 88.6Dwight D. Eisenhower : 62.2 to 70.2 when Pres.; died at 78.4John F. Kennedy : 43.6 to 46.4 when Pres.; died at 46.4Lyndon B. Johnson : 55.2 to 60.4 when Pres.; died at 64.4Richard M. Nixon : 56.0 to 61.5 when Pres.; died at 81.2Gerald R. Ford : 61.0 to 63.5 when Pres.; died at 93.4Jimmy Carter : 52.3 to 56.3 when Pres.; turned 92 on Oct 1, 2016Ronald Reagan : 69.9 to 77.9 when Pres.; died at 93.3George H. W. Bush : 64.6 to 68.6 when Pres.; turned 92 on June 12, 2016Bill Clinton : 46.4 to 54.4 when Pres.; turned 70 on August 19, 2016George W. Bush : 54.5 to 62.5 when Pres.; turned 70 on July 6, 2016Barack Obama: 47.4 to 55.4 when Pres.; turned 55 on August 4, 2016Donald Trump : 70.6 on 20 Jan 2017

Who were the presidents to serve one term?

2nd Pres. John Adams (1797-1801) 6th Pres. John Quincy Adams (1825-1829) 8th Pres. Martin Van Buren (1837-1841) 11th Pres. James K. Polk (1845-1849) 14th Pres. Franklin Pierce (1853-1857) 15th Pres. James Buchanan (1857-1861) 19th Pres. Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881) 23rd Pres. Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893) 27th Pres. William Howard Taft (1909-1913) 31st Pres. Herbert Hoover (1929-1933) 39th Pres. Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) 41st Pres. George H.W. Bush (1989-1993)

If your brother hits you and he's 18 can I pres charges.?

Go ahead pres charges your parents might not like it but still go ahead pres them

When the pres and vice pres are traveling together does the speaker of the house have to stay in Washington?


Who has acted as both Vice President and President?

John Adams, VP 1789-97, Pres 1797-1801 Jefferson, VP 1797-1801, Pres 1801-09 Van Buren, VP 1833-37, Pres 1837-41 Tyler VP Mar-Apr 1841, Pres 1841-45 Fillmore, VP 1849-50, Pres 1850-53 A Johnson, VP Mar-Apr 1865, Pres 1865-69 Arthur, VP Mar-Sep 1881, Pres 1881-85 T Roosevelt, BP Mar-Spp1901, Pres 1901-09 Coolidge, VP 1921-23, Pres 1923-29 Truman, VP Jan-Apr 1945 , Pres 1945-53 LB Johnson, VP 1961-63, Pres 1963-69 Nixon, VP 1953-61, Pres 1969-74 Ford, VP 1973-4, Pres 1974-77 GHW Bush, VP 1981-89, Pres 1989-93