sino ang tatlong babae na tumahi ng watawat
Tahi FM was created in 2003.
Tahi Reihana was born on 1972-03-15.
Naufahu Tahi was born on 1981-10-30.
Tahi mano, Iwa rau Iwa tekau ma tahi.
Eleven in Maori is "tekau mฤ tahi."
"31" in Maori is "tekau mฤ tahi".
Wha rau ma tahi. Wha (four) rau (hundred) ma tahi (and one).
Rua tekau ma tahi translates to 'twenty-one' in Maori.
The translation of the Maori phrase "he iwi tahi tatou" is "we are one people."
the number is 100 because tahi is1 and kotahi is two 00,=100