The duration of Basahang Ginto is -2700.0 seconds.
Basahang Ginto was created on 2010-05-31.
Basahang Ginto ended on 2010-12-08.
The cast of Dasalang ginto - 1949 includes: Tony Camonte Gil de Leon Angel Esmeralda
karagatang pasipiko Dagat waterfalls
bakit ang portugal ang nanguna sa paghahanap ng spices at ginto
Oh, dude, "maylapi" is a Filipino term for affix. So, if we're talking about affixes for the word "ginto" which means gold, you can have "pang-" as a prefix, so "pangginto," or "-an" as a suffix, like "gintuan." But, like, who really needs to know this stuff, am I right?
The cast of Pusong ginto - 1954 includes: Paraluman Eddie Del Mar Patricia Mijares Leopoldo Salcedo Jose Villafranca
The cast of Ginto sa lusak - 1954 includes: Amado Cortez Arsenia Francisco Corazon Rivas Ruben Rustia