Probably not.
If your period arrives on the 1st of the month and then you have a second period on 28-31st of that month then this is normal. If your cycle is not like the one above then this isn't normal. Se your doctor as you may have a hormonal imbalance or be pregnant.
It goes very stiff Answer It doesn't usually get hard until you are about 3 and a half month pregnant.
After you stop the pill, normal fertility will resume in 2-4 weeks, so you can get pregnant in the first month after stopping the pill.
umm...did you mean weeks?? You dont have an 18 month dear
Nope your not pregnant. Can't be pregnant you had your period. It sounds like you want to be pregnant.
is it normal to have a period twice a month and bleed when you had a bowel movement or and bleed heavy and think you pregnant is it because of sex but doing in rectum
If you havent had your period in 7 months you probably need to go to the doctor, that is not normal.
No. The norm is that when you are pregnant you have no period. See a doctor about your hormones, having your period twice in one month is not normal.
Hello - No it is not normal to have your period but it is normal to experience light brown bleedig during the first month. This is simply old blood being flushed out of your system.