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Q: Larawan ng mapa ng pilipinas na sinakop ng relihiyong Islam?
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Paano lumaganap ang Islam sa pilipinas?

ang nagtatag ng relihiyong Islam na si Muhammed ay kabilang sa pangkat ng mga mangangalakal sa Mecca.Nagsimulang lumaganap ang Islam sa southeast Asia nang maitatag ang sultanato sa delhi,India

Sino ang nagdala ng Islam?

ang mga misyonerong arabe ,tuan mashaika,karim-ul makdum ,auliya,raja baguinda , at sharif ul hashim -darlyn rebugio :*

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tang ina mo magbasa ka ng libro!

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Timeline sa Pgdating at Paglaganap ng Islam sa Pilipinas?

Ang islam ay ang relihiyon ng mga muslim

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pangkat etniko ng kasuotan at produkto ng mga ilokano

Ano ang mga iba't-ibang lenguahe sa pilipinas?

islam mortung

What religion of Indonesia?

Well the majority of population are muslims so Islam.

What is the fastest growning religion in the world?

It depends entirely on how the question is read. If the question is asking what is the largest religion that is still growing, the answer would be Christianity since there are more and more Christians born and converted every day than convert out or die. If the question is asking what religion is growing by the largest numbers of new followers (both births and converts), then the answer would be Islam, since the population growth in Muslim-majority countries has made Islam the religion with the most new adherents daily. If the question is asking what religion has the greatest percentage of growth, then this would be a contest between a number of very small religions which have high percentage increases, but low current population counts, such as Baha'i or Jehovah's Witnesses. Although these cannot match the numerical growth of Christianity or Islam, the thousands of converts and newborns have a much higher relative to the <20 million adherents to the religion.

Who were the leaders who spread Islam after Islam's death?

Islam is a religion not a spiritual leader. Islam is not dead.