To say "i love you" in ilocano it's "Ay-ayatenka."
The Ilocano translation of "my love" is "ay-ayatenka."
The phrase "gamuts ka" in Ilocano translates to "I love you" in English.
In Ilocano, the translation for "cat" is "pusa."
The Ilocano translation of "I understand" is "Awan ti sawen."
The Ilocano translation of the word "fire" is "apoy."
The Ilocano translation for "How are you?" is "Kunaak" or "Kanayon" in Ilocano language.
In Ilocano, the translation of "paa" is "tuktuk" which means foot or leg.
The translation of "bra" in Ilocano language is "sustentador."
The Ilocano translation of "brethren" is "kailian" or "sapasap."
The Ilocano word for thanks is agyamanak Thank you much is agyamanak unay
ilocano of fly is "langaw"
Ilocano of excuse me