Frances Rynd was 44 years old when he invented the hypodermic syringe.
Ireland Calling has a picture of Francis Rynd. He is famous for inventing the hypodermic syringe back in the 1840s. Rand, born in 1801 in Dublin, Ireland, was employed at Meath Hospital, which provided free care for the poor.
Dr. Francis Rynd, a direct relative of mine, he was legally determined deceased in 1861.
Dr.Francis Rynd was born in Ireland,year 1845.
Although in 900 A.D. an Egyptian physician used a syringe-type instrument for a medical procedure, the first successful injection was given by Dr. Francis Rynd in 1845. Doctor Alexander Wood is credited for inventing the glass syringe in 1851.
James Alexander Porterfield Rynd died in 1917.
James Alexander Porterfield Rynd was born in 1846.
I was a 101st mechanic on Apollo Fire Base from Dec 1971 to Feb 1972 (until base closed down). Dan Rynd
'Atlas Shrugged' is a novel by Ayn Rand that explores themes of individualism, capitalism, and the role of government in society. The story follows a group of individuals who go on strike to protest against government intervention and collectivism, ultimately highlighting the importance of individual achievement and freedom.
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