The answer for this question is bata..That is children..
αγγλικός (Ang-lee-KOHS)
To say "kid" in Tagalog, you can use the word "bata."
Its pronounce as "SMELLS GOOD" . Did you get it ??
You can say "คุณพูดภาษาอังกฤษได้หรือไม่?" (pronounced: kun poot saa ang-grit dai mai) which translates to "Can you speak English?" in Thai.
Around airports, Bellanca aircraft are pronounced "Bell-ang-cah"
English language is called, Αγγλικά and pronounced as "Ang-gli-ka", putting the accent tone in the "-ka".
Tagalaog translation of CHILDREN: mga bata
mi tu kani pyar karni dues
I am the Devil - ako ang yahwa, ako ang demonyo
Filipino Translation of TODDLERS' ROOM: silid ng mga bata
To say "where is the fork" in Tagalog, you can say "Saan ang tinidor?"