ay ang mga DOTA boys ang malino .....................
(d.r.m.k.n.j.f.r.) thank you ................................
The stomach has a greater and lesser curvature. The greater curvature is the more lateral of the two.
The greater omentum is located in the stomach. It is like an apron that extends from the greater curvature of the stomach to the transverse colon. Its purpose is for fat deposition, immune contribution, and infection and wound isolation. The lesser omentum, on the other hand, extends from the liver to the lesser curvature of the stomach. There is no known function of the lesser omentum.
Clinically, it is true that gastric ulcer is more common along the lesser curvature and less common along the greater curvature. To elucidate this difference in ulcerognesis, two experimental ulcers were prepared in dogs at the sites, one at the angular incisure and the other at the corresponding greater curvature after the method by Hatafuku & Thal in japan. The cause for this may be explained by the increased motility with repeated ischemic condition at the lesser curvature.
Space time curve is like the layers of the Earth the atmosphere has a lesser curvature than the oceans, the ocean floors have a greater curvature than the oceans, the mantle has a greater curvature, the core has the greatest curvature.The greater the curvature of space,the slower time goes relative to the time passing,in a lesser space-time curvature.If one was to go into a greater curvature of space, you wouldn't notice a slower pace of time, but things may appear farther away,as it would take more of your time to get there.
Space time curve is like the layers of the Earth the atmosphere has a lesser curvature than the oceans, the ocean floors have a greater curvature than the oceans, the mantle has a greater curvature, the core has the greatest curvature.The greater the curvature of space,the slower time goes relative to the time passing,in a lesser space-time curvature.If one was to go into a greater curvature of space, you wouldn't notice a slower pace of time, but things may appear farther away,as it would take more of your time to get there.
The stomach, part of the gastrointestinal tract, is a digestive organ located between the esophagus and the duodenum. It has a 'J' shape, and features a lesser and greater curvature. The anterior and posterior surfaces are smoothly rounded with a peritoneal covering. The greater curvature forms the long, convex, lateral border of the stomach. Arising at the cardiac orifice, it arches backwards and passes inferiorly to the left. It curves to the right as it continues medially to reach the pyloric antrum (opening to the pylorus).
The greater curvature is a part of the stomach that plays a role in expanding the stomach to accommodate food and liquids, as well as in the mixing and digestion of food. It also helps in the regulation of the passage of food into the small intestine.
The lesser omentum is the structure that is attached to the lesser curvature of the stomach. It is thin but has two layers of serous membrane.
The structure attached to the lesser curvature of the stomach is a mesentery called the lesser omentum. this receives bile from the liver and sends it to the stomach.
No, the lacy apron of the peritoneum that covers the abdominal organs and connects the stomach and liver is called the greater omentum. The lesser omentum connects the liver and the lesser curvature of the stomach.
Lesser omentum
The lesser curvature of the stomach.