edefesedssedsesfefsddffsdsddfsdfgvdgtjykt,tgvfesa eA styzsuy7nxrsfjxyjdreuhrdtjnxdy ujxcrd hretyh t nth th jmnhfc xcfh tdx dth hxx x hdxdt hg gh chc hhcgg hcfh ggcfhghghgfhhh
dfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf df
hfhfhffg hc c ghd rhxf
cxxcxcuxc uh huuhuxhuxhuxyh
The duration of Tinig is 1800.0 seconds.
Tinig was created on 2006-01-09.
Tinig ended on 2006-04-14.
munting tinig
di ko alam
the mysterious sound
Ang pulso ng musika ay tinig ng isang awit
From Filipino to English it means "The mysterious voice"
The cast of Tinig ng pag-ibig - 1940 includes: Canuplin Norma Blancaflor Jose Luz Bernardo Ester Magalona Fernando Poe Alipio Silverio
anong uri ng tinig meron si angeline quinto
Tinig. Bigkas. Tindig. Kumpas. At kilos. :))