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Q: Ano sa Tagalog ang income tax?
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Anu ang kahulugan ng income tax?

incme tax is A compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on workers' income and business profits or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions.

What is Before tax income after tax income?

Before tax income is gross income less allowable deductions and rebates = assessable income. After tax income is assessable income less the applicable income tax

What kind of income tax is based on your taxable income?

Income tax IS based on your income that is why it is called INCOME tax.

Is Payroll Tax considered Income Tax?

Yes. Any tax on income is income tax. Taxes imposed after income, such as sales tax, aren't.

What is a Fedeal income tax?

A income tax is a tax levied on the income of individuals or business.

Is Net income before or after tax?

Net income is what you get after tax, gross income is before tax.

Are income tax and taxable income the same thing?

No, income tax and taxable income are not the same thing. Taxable income is the amount of income that is subject to taxation, while income tax is the actual tax that is calculated and paid on that taxable income.

What is an income tax?

Income tax an amount of tax that is due on your TAXABLE INCOME amount for the tax year.

What are the similarties between the state income tax and the federal income tax?

The amount of your tax liability is based on your TAXABLE INCOME after your income tax return is completed completely and correctly down to the TAXABLE income line of each income tax return.

How do you compute the personal income tax?

Income Tax DSC, Digital Signature for Income Tax, Return e Filing, ITR to authenticate your identity electronically, Get Class 3 digital signature for Income Tax to save your privacy. You can easily submit your Income-tax with the help of DSC (digital signature for income tax).

How do you use the word income tax in a sentence?

Income tax is boring but necessary.Something was dodgy about these income tax claims.