Talata Ampano's population is 15,000.
The population of Talata Mafara is 215,178.
Talata Vohimena's population is 14,000.
Talata Embalo was born in 1963.
The area of Talata Mafara is 1,430 square kilometers.
The cast of He talata - 1961 includes: Rushdy Abaza Soad Hosny
The cast of El ersane talata - 1947 includes: Samia Gamal Mohammed Salman
There is no specific reference or widely known group called "talata." If you can provide more context or details, I may be able to assist further.
boang ko
Ang talata ay assigment namin kaya binubut san namin ang talata ko kuya mo0
malay ko sagotin nyo .... la lang by: clarence rocha