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Emmanuel Edralin
Emmanuel Edralin
Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos, Sr.
Ferdinand Marcos's birth name is Ferdinand Edralin Marcos.
Ferdinand edralin marcos
Ferdinand Edralin Marcos died in 1989.
Ferdinand Edralin Marcos Died Because Of Heart Attack. He Died At His House In Antipolo City On June 18, 1987
Josefa Edralin Marcos. that's the name of the mom. Mariano Marcos is the name of his father.
Ferdinand Marcos AKA Ferdinand Edralin Marcos Born: 11-Sep-1917Birthplace: Sarrat, Ilocos Norte, PhilippinesDied: 28-Sep-1989Location of death: Honolulu, HICause of death: Kidney failureRemains: Mummified, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, Philippineshttp://www.nndb.com/people/014/000029924/^_____________^
Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos, Sr., 10th President of the Philippines, 1965 - 1986
Yes. Absolutely true! Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marco who was also known as Choa Tai Li have the eldest son before Bong Bong was born. His eldest son's name is Louis Edralin Marcos who is in reality named in majority of Marco's worldwide wealth depositted in major banks is the real heir to Marcos. Louis's mother who was cousin sister to Marcos named Maria Cristina Edralin Marcos gave birth to Marco's first and eldest son known as Louis P. Reyes without Marcos for obvious reasons. Louis was born on the 15th. of June 1939. Marcos kept Louis far away from public knowledge but records can be found at the Ateneo de Manila Convent where Marcos use to visit his son Louis in early days. After Louis grew up Marcos got him a job with the Philippines Broadcasting Services Channel 9 and 4. Imelda knew about this and made sure that non one must know about Louis and she compelled Marcos to do the same. Just to bring Louis close to him, Marcos offered him a job at his palace to work as his confidential/personal assistant. Louis used to live and work in the palace but Imelda failed to find out about his identity. In majority of gold bullion deposits, cash accounts, bonds etc. are still in the name of Louis Reyes but US and European governments are not willing to release Marco's over 2 trillion dollars worth of assets. These facts can be verified by several Philippines govt. agencies and specially the intelligence offices. As a matter of fact, the arhives of Ateneo de Manila Convent does have the records of Louis P. Reyes Marcos being born there as the first born of Ferdinand Marcos and Maria Cristina Edralin Marcos. This can be seen at the Convent by any one.