History of Rhetoric: -Started in Syracuse, Sicily an island in the fifth century before Christ. -Corax proposes a rule that development their arguments. Centered approach to his speech to reflect the five essential elements: the proem or introdusyon; the historical narrative or history; the main arguments; additional statements or related arguments and the conclusion. -Corax invented the rhetorical purposes and encourage fill any shortcoming in the concrete evidence. We see immediately that it is knowingly used rhetoric to appeal to emotion and emphasis given the accuracy and strength of argument. -According to the Sophist (groups of intelligent people then), Rhetoric is used for acquisition of political power only by their sense of style and subject and their pronunciation. -Socrates was against the Sophist and claimed that the sophist were only gaining political power by teaching students to find and see only the evil out of a good cause. -Socrates was very well known and was influential back then. He had his own school where he taught how to talk. -The Rhetoric of Aristotle (384-322 BC) tested the art of encouragement
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