

Musical Notes and Values

Music notes form songs and melodies. Each note has it's own value or length, which tells us how long to hold a note out while singing or playing an instrument.

500 Questions

How do you type a musical note symbol on a Mac?

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Open Garage Band, click on "new track" select Software Instrument, choose your instrument on the right hand side, and then click on Window on the top, and select Musical Typing, a keyboard should show up and you can play using your keyboard.

What is the value of a 1935 bank note?

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Much more information is needed - first, what denomination? Is there a letter after the date? What is the color of the bill's seal - green, blue, red. brown? What condition is it in - worn, or crisp and unfolded?

What is 16 note time signature?

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The time signature with the bottom figure 16 implies that the semiquaver is the unit beat. For example, 3/16 implies that there are three semiquavers in a measure. In compound times, the unit beat is dotted quaver.

Is there software that convert sound recorded using a microphone into MIDI notes to write a musical score or audio tracks?

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There are a number of freeware and shareware audio recording programs available on the net, the most popular being Audacity (see link below). This is a great program for getting started with recording sound into your computer. Once one audio track is recorded, you can add other tracks to play at the same time. You can also edit the audio, cutting and pasting sections to your heart's content, as well as applying the effects of any number of the program's powerful plugins. To convert from audio into MIDI notes in order to write a score, however, you need more powerful tools - tools which cost money. Also, you need to note the limitations of the tools. First, most programs that convert audio to MIDI/score can only work with monophonic tracks, for instance a melody sung by a single vocalist. Second, the program converts the sound based on pitch, and if the melody is even slightly out of tune, the score will be notated out of tune. You can explore programs like Neuratron Audioscore Professional to see if this works for you. IntelliScore WAV to MIDI Converter is one program that can work with polyphonic tracks, for example, a piano playing chords. See the Related Links for "Audacity," "Neuratron Audioscore Professional," and "IntelliScore WAV to MIDI Converter" to the left for the answer.

How do you play just the way you are by Bruno mars in flute with notes?

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It is on youtube; type in grenade flute cover and then you should see a yellow background video. In the description there is a link.

What is the range of eight musical notes?

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It would be more accurate to refer to the eight tones (or pitches), because notes refer to duration. Also, the full set of recurring tones in Western Music number twelve. I believe you are looking for the eight white keys on the keyboard, which correspond to the letters C, D, E, F, G, A , B. The full complement of notes are as follows: C, C#/Db, D, D#/Eb, E, F, F#/Gb, G, G#/Ab, A, A#/Bb, and B. Any notes with two names can be referred to by either letter depending on the circumstances and represent the black notes on the keyboard.

Why do you have 8 notes on a musical scale?

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pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, and structure

How do you change the time signature on Finale Note Pad 2012?

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Asked by MiroslavGacicfb6026

Click on the Time Signature tool, It's the 4/4 picture near the top of screen.

Then double-click on the measure you want the change to happen. The Time Signature dialog box will appear. That's what you need to change the document's time signature.

Hope this helps.

How do you count in six four time?

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From a conductors point of view, there are a number of ways. The first is simply by counting to seven, much like you would in 4/4 time, with a gesture for every beat (quarter note). In the more complicated way (likely used if it were a fast piece) there are three 'strong beats' indicated by gestures with the baton. The gestures move in the same pattern as 3/4 time, but one of the beats is worth three quarter notes, whereas the others are worth only two. The music dictates which beat gets the three quarter notes. There are three possibilities, and in a conductors mind, he/she is thinking: (1231212) or (1212312)OR (1212123), each of these represent one measure, and the conductor is moving the baton for every (1).

Musical notes and their values from different timesignature?

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Notes and rests always carry the same value no matter what the time signature. A quarter note or rest is always held for one beat, but depending on how you're counting the time, it may be more than one count (ex. if your beat is in eighth notes, a quarter note is gonna be two counts- "one and, two and, three and..." but if your beat is in quarter notes, it's just gonna be one count- "one, two, three...")

What is Shatatantu musical instrument and how you have to play?

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Shatatantu is a musical instrument of the Vedic period.

How musical notes are there?

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There are 7 natural musical notes - A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.

However, if you take into account all notes with accidentals (sharps, which raise a note 1 half step, or flats, which lower a note 1 half step) such as C# or Bb, not counting enharmonic notes (2 different notes that sound the same such as D# and Eb) separately, there are actually 12 notes - A, A#/Bb, B, C, C#/Db, D, D#/Eb, E, F, F#/Gb, G, G#/Ab.

What are the keyboard notes for the final countdown?

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1st part

Bb G# Bb D#

B Bb B Bb G#

B Bb B D#

G# F# G# F# F G# F#

2nd Part

Bb G# Bb D#

B Bb B Bb G#

B Bb B D#

G# F# G# F# F G# F#

F F# G#

F# G# Bb

Bb G# F# F D#

B Bb Bb B Bb G# Bb

From Moses Dwayne Molimau

How many beats does the quarter note receive in the time signature?

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The bottom note of a time signature determines the value of a beat. For example in 3/4 time (4 at the bottom:quarter note beats), a quarter note takes one beat. In 3/2 time (2 at bottom:half note beats), a quarter note takes half a beat.

A whole note plus a half note?

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If the time is 4/4, the following notes would be:

A quarter note (1/4 or 2/8) of the measure)

A half note (2/4 or 4/8) of the measure

2 eighth notes (2/8) of the measure.

What is the value of a half note in 2 2 time signature?

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2 2 time, sometimes referred to as 'cut time', has 2 beats per measure, each beat is a half-note. So a measure is equal to one whole note

Therefore, an eighth note is one-eighth (1/8) of a measure.

If you're asking the value per beat... there are 2 quarter notes per beat, and there are 4 eighth notes per beat. Or, an eighth note is one-quarter (1/4) of each 'beat' in the measure.

You might count this as: One E An Uh, Two E An Uh

Does the shape of notes represent their pitch?

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No. The shape of notes as they are written on sheet music shows you how long the note is played for. The pitch is represented by the position of the note on the stave.

What accidentals are in the key of A major?

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YOU learn about accidentals in level 2 in piano. Accidentals in piano are when there are flats or sharps next to a note that was not given in the key signature.

What are the musical notes to sansa kroma?

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sansa kroma ne nay woo achay chay kokoma

sansa kroma ne nay woo achay chay kokoma

How many semiquavers in a dotted crotchet?

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A crotchet is one-fourth a whole note, and a quaver is one-eighth of a whole note, therefore, two quavers make a crotchet

What do you call the sound produced when notes are played that seem to have no musical relationship?

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Music that is composed of notes that seem to have no relationship to a scale is known as atonal music. A short list of famous composers of atonal music would include: Arnold Schoenberg, Alban Berg, Anton Webern, Andre Jolivet.

What does playing the world's smallest violin mean?

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The answer below is interesting but you may rest assured the expression goes back a lot farther than a late 1970's episode of M*A*S*H. In fact the show writers may have been trying to tell us that the expression was around in the early 50's when the show is set. I don't know for sure about that but definitely an older expression.

: I'm far from certain it's the original source, but the earliest use of the "world's smallest violin" phrase I am aware of is in an episode from the sixth season of the American sitcom "M*A*S*H." : The episode, "Your Hit Parade," first aired on January 4, 1978. In it, Maj. Charles Emerson Winchester III (David Ogden Stiers) complains to Maj. Margaret Houlihan (Loretta Swit) that Winchester has been displaced from his tent, "The Swamp," by cots full of post-operative wounded soldiers. Showing Winchester her thumb and forefinger rubbing together, Houlihan responds: "Charles, do you know what this is? It's the world's smallest violin, and it's playing just for you." : It's hardly definitive, but it seems at least possible to me that that gag (and/or the finger part of it) was created by Ronny Graham, the screenwriter for "Your Hit Parade."

What musical term refers to notes that should be played crisply and distinkly?

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good luck with the crossword...i got them all....thanks to google

What are the notes to here comes the bride on the keyboard?

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C, F, F, F C, G, E, F C, F, B, B, A, G, F, E, F, G C, F, F, F, C, G, E, F, C, F, A, C, A, F, D, G, A, F