


Drama and Acting

Drama and acting refer to the art of portraying a fictional character before a camera or on a stage by means of gesture, movement and intonation. They requires the use of techniques to communicate the emotional weight of the situation.

500 Questions

Is sammy from sammy's consent a boy or a girl?

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Vincent Tilsley wrote the play 'Sammy's Consent' for BBC Television. Sammy Monkton is a twelve year old boy, and the role was played in the original BBC production by John Pike. The play was broadcast live from the BBC's Midland television studio at 8pm on Feb 20th 1959.

How can you paraphrase 'In fair Verona where we lay our scene'?

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"In fair Verona" cannot be paraphrased much. You could substitute a synonym for "fair", like "pretty", "lovely", etc. but it wouldn't make it any clearer. "Where we lay our scene", could be put into the passive, like "where our scene is laid", or more colloquially "where our scene is set." An advantage is that "In fair Verona where our scene is set" is still in iambic pentameter, so you wouldn't lose the rhythm. You do lose the rhyme with "unclean".

How many plays did William Gibson write?

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William Gibson, known for his science fiction novels, did not write any plays. He is best known for his groundbreaking work in the cyberpunk genre, such as "Neuromancer" and "Burning Chrome."

What techniques does Baldwin use to create drama and suspense in this story?

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Baldwin creates drama and suspense in this story through his use of vivid imagery, intense emotional conflicts between characters, and a nonlinear storytelling structure that keeps the reader engaged and guessing about what will happen next. Additionally, his exploration of themes such as race, identity, and family relationships adds depth and tension to the narrative.

What are the literary devices in drama of villa for sale?

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Some of the literary devices used in "The Villa for Sale" include irony, characterization, and symbolism. Irony is evident in the contrast between the characters' expectations and reality. Characters are developed through their dialogues and actions, showcasing strong characterization. Symbolism is used to represent deeper themes, such as the villa itself symbolizing wealth and status.

What is the stock character of aulularia?

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The stock character of aulularia is the miserly old man named Euclio. He is obsessed with protecting his hidden gold and displays traits of greed and selfishness throughout the play.

Could the story of the brothers happen in real life?

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The story of the brothers having different personalities and career paths is a common occurrence in real life. Siblings often have unique interests and talents that lead them down different paths. Family dynamics and individual experiences can shape individuals in various ways.

When the narrator opens the door and looks out the half expects to find?

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When the narrator opens the door and looks out, they half-expect to find someone waiting for them, or a familiar face in the crowd. But instead, they are met with an empty street, filled only with the sounds of distant traffic.

What is point of view of the story New Yorker in Tondo?

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The point of view in the story "New Yorker in Tondo" is third-person limited. The narrator focuses on the thoughts and feelings of the character Kikay, providing insights into her perspective and experiences in the setting of Tondo.

Who is the author of Waiting for Godot which features Vladimir and Estragon waiting and doing nothing?

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Samuel Beckett is the author of Waiting for Godot, a play that follows the characters Vladimir and Estragon as they wait for someone named Godot who never arrives. The play is known for its absurdist themes and exploration of the futility of human existence.

What are the example of plot in drama?

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Examples of plot in drama include the rise and fall of a protagonist, a conflict between characters or groups, a journey or quest undertaken by a character, or a mystery to be solved. These plots often involve tension, climax, and resolution to engage the audience's interest.

What was the plot in the episode of inspector Morse the infernal serpent?

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In the episode "The Infernal Serpent" from Inspector Morse, Morse investigates a murder at an Oxford college involving a controversial American academic. As Morse delves deeper into the case, he uncovers secrets and scandals within the academic community and navigates complex relationships among the suspects to solve the crime. Ultimately, Morse unravels the truth behind the murder, highlighting the darker side of academia and ambition.

Who wrote the script for the lovely bones?

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Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh wrote the screenplay for "The Lovely Bones," based on the novel of the same name by Alice Sebold.

What made Moliere the most famous playwright of his day?

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Moliere was famous for his comedic wit, sharp social criticism, and captivating characters. His plays were popular for satirizing the societal norms and behaviors of his time, making him a favorite among both the aristocracy and common people. Additionally, his talent for blending humor with deeper themes helped him stand out as a playwright.

Can you explain about the stream of consciousness or direct interior monologue in the duchess and the jeweller?

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In "The Duchess and the Jeweller" by Virginia Woolf, the stream of consciousness technique is used to reveal the inner thoughts and feelings of the main character, Oliver Bacon. This technique allows readers to gain insight into his complex emotions and motivations as he navigates his relationships and ambitions. The direct interior monologue delves deep into Bacon's psyche, highlighting his insecurities and desires with intense introspection.

What do the fairies argue about in a midsummer night dream?

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In "A Midsummer Night's Dream," the fairies argue about the love triangle between Titania, Oberon, and the changeling boy. They also disagree about how to manipulate the human characters' emotions using love potions.

What four elements of drama don't exist in short stories?

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The live audience interaction, use of physical space, props and costumes, and live actors performing are four elements of drama that do not necessarily exist in short stories. Short stories rely primarily on the written word to convey the story, whereas drama involves both written text and live performances to bring the story to life.

What is the conflict in scribbler of dreams?

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The main conflict in "Scribbler of Dreams" revolves around the forbidden romance between the two protagonists from rival families, and the challenge of overcoming societal expectations and prejudices to be together. The story explores themes of love, loyalty, and the consequences of deceit and betrayal.

Does The Man of la Mancha duel with monsters?

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In "Man of La Mancha," Don Quixote doesn't physically duel with monsters. Instead, he battles against perceived enemies that symbolize different forms of injustice and oppression. His fights are more metaphorical and focus on battling the darkness of the world with noble and chivalrous ideals.

What are the dramatic techniques applied in writing The Blinkards?

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Some of the dramatic techniques applied in writing "The Blinkards" include the use of satire to criticize societal values and behaviors, the incorporation of humor to engage the audience, and the use of exaggerated characters and situations to highlight the absurdity of certain cultural practices. The play also employs irony and sarcasm to convey the playwright's message.

What color hair does Sammy Keyes have in the book Sammy keyes and the runaway elf by Wendelin Van Draanen?

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Sammy Keyes has red hair in the book "Sammy Keyes and the Runaway Elf" by Wendelin Van Draanen.

What makes ceferino joven wrote the drama of emillio jacinto?

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Ceferino Joven wrote the drama about Emilio Jacinto to shed light on the life and contributions of the Philippine revolutionary hero. Through the form of drama, Joven aimed to bring awareness to Jacinto's role in the fight for Philippine independence and educate audiences about his ideals and principles. The play serves as a tribute to Jacinto's bravery and commitment to the struggle for freedom.

Is Dr faustus an allegorical play by christopher marlowe?

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Yes, "Dr. Faustus" by Christopher Marlowe is considered an allegorical play. It explores themes of knowledge, ambition, and the consequences of making deals with the devil. The character of Faustus is often seen as a representation of the dangers of seeking power and knowledge at any cost.

What is the character sketch of mr gaston in the drama villa for sale in about 100 words?

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Mr. Gaston is a wealthy but somewhat aloof character in the drama "Villa for Sale." He is portrayed as a foreigner with a mysterious background, and his presence adds an air of intrigue to the story. Despite his affluence, Gaston appears disillusioned with his life and seeks solace in the peaceful ambience of the villa. His interactions with the other characters reveal a complex personality with underlying layers of emotion and introspection.