


Ancient History

Ancient history covers the period up to 500 CE, after which the Medieval period begins. There are subdivisions of the Ancient period, and technically speaking, it begins with alphabetic writing from about 8th century BCE onwards. However, earlier periods can conveniently be dealt with under this heading.

500 Questions

How big was a pyramid block?

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The blocks on the pyramids are all different sizes. The blocks on the bottom are the largest; the blocks get smaller as they go up. The size of the bottom blocks of the Giza Pyramid are 1.5 meters tall, 1.5 meters wide, and 2.25 meters deep. A block this size would weigh 8.44 kg (9.3 tons). Some of the blocks weigh as much as 80 tons!

What do preservatives in food do to the human body?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fat builds up in your body and stays in there until the they get burnt up and the vitamins actually build up to but they don't make you fat they build up and they were used, when you digested them, for healthy purposes.

What is hellenic age?

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The Hellenic Age, also known as Classical Greece, refers to the period in ancient Greek history from the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BCE to the annexation of Greece by Rome in 146 BCE. It was a time of great cultural, artistic, and philosophical achievements, with notable figures such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle influencing Western thought. This era saw the rise of city-states like Athens and Sparta, as well as the flourishing of Greek drama, sculpture, and architecture.

Who did Jeff Kinney live with as a child?

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Jeff Kinney lived with his parents and an older brother as a child.

How do you write synopsis of PhD Thesis?

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An abstract is like a summary of your work. It will be no more than a paragraph or two stating the highlights of your research.

How long did the babylonian empire last?

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The Babylonian Empire lasted from 1894 BC to 539 BC, spanning a total of 1355 years. It went through different periods of power and influence, with notable rulers like Hammurabi and Nebuchadnezzar contributing to its strength and prominence in ancient Mesopotamia.

Were there people living in Atlantis?

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There is no concrete evidence to suggest that Atlantis was a real, inhabited society. The story of Atlantis comes from the writings of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who described it as a powerful and advanced civilization that disappeared beneath the sea. However, most historians and archaeologists consider Atlantis to be a legend or myth.

When is the Atlantis alleged to have disappeared?

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The legend of Atlantis is believed to have originated from the writings of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato around 360 B.C. He wrote about a powerful island civilization that sank into the ocean in a single day and night, but there is no concrete evidence to suggest the existence of Atlantis.

What is Atlantis also known as?

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Atlantis is also known as the Lost City of Atlantis, a mythical island mentioned in ancient texts and literature. It is said to have been a prosperous civilization that sank into the sea, sparking many theories and legends about its existence.

Where did Gilgamesh come from?

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Gilgamesh is a legendary ancient king who is believed to have ruled the city of Uruk in Mesopotamia, which is now modern-day Iraq. He is the main character in the epic poem "Gilgamesh," one of the oldest known works of literature. His story is thought to have originated in Sumerian myths and later passed down through Babylonian and Assyrian cultures.

What things are Gilgamesh known for?

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Gilgamesh is known for being the legendary king of Uruk in Mesopotamian mythology. He is known for his epic quest for immortality, as chronicled in the Epic of Gilgamesh, considered one of the earliest surviving works of literature. Gilgamesh is also known for his friendship with Enkidu and his various heroic exploits.

How did Paris die?

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Romeo kills him when Paris tries to arrest him. Paris is under the impression that Romeo is hanging around the Capulet tomb to desecrate it.

How did Ivan the Great die?

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Ivan the Great, also known as Ivan III of Russia, died in 1505 from a natural illness at the age of 65. He ruled as the Grand Prince of Moscow and played a significant role in the consolidation of the Russian lands.

Who is Plato of Atlantis?

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There is no credible historical or archaeological evidence to support the existence of a philosopher named Plato from Atlantis. Plato himself did write about Atlantis in his dialogues, describing it as a legendary island civilization that ultimately sank into the sea, but it is considered a fictional tale rather than a historical account.

How old are the stories of Gilgamesh?

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The Epic of Gilgamesh is considered one of the oldest known stories, with origins dating back to around 2100 BCE in ancient Mesopotamia. It tells the tale of King Gilgamesh of Uruk and his quest for immortality, drawing from a rich cultural and historical background. The stories of Gilgamesh were passed down through generations orally before being written on clay tablets.

Where in the Odyssey can Penelope's weaving story be found?

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Penelope's weaving story can be found in Book 2 of Homer's Odyssey. In this story, Penelope tricks the suitors by weaving a shroud for her father-in-law Laertes during the day and secretly unraveling it at night to delay her remarriage.

Theme of discovery of the new world for carter revard?

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Carter Revard's poetry often explores themes of cultural encounter, displacement, and history. In the context of the discovery of the New World, Revard may emphasize the complexities of colonization, the clash of cultures, and the impact of these events on indigenous peoples. His work likely delves into the violent disruptions and enduring legacies of European exploration in the Americas.

How many years did Cleopatra rule?

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Cleopatra ruled Egypt for 21 years, from 51 BC to 30 BC.

When was Homer's poetry most probably written down?

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Homer's poetry was most probably written down in the 8th century BCE, but it is believed that the stories were orally transmitted for many years before being recorded. The exact timeline is uncertain because of the lack of written records from that period.

How did pharaohs gain power?

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Pharaohs gained power through inheritance, as the position was typically passed down through royal bloodlines. They were considered divine rulers with absolute authority over Egypt, controlling the government, military, and religious institutions. Additionally, pharaohs solidified their power through strong bureaucracies and infrastructure projects like building pyramids.

How much did a newspaper cost in 1170 in groats?

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In 1170, the cost of a newspaper would likely have been minimal since newspapers as we know them today did not exist. News was typically disseminated through proclamations, town criers, or hand-copied manuscripts, which would have varied in cost based on the scribe, the length, and the content being shared. Prices would likely have been in a local currency, rather than groats, which were more commonly used in the 13th to 16th centuries in England.

What are the characters in wenny has wings?

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"Wenny Has Wings" is a children's book written by Janet Lee Carey that tells the story of a girl named Wenny who discovers a wounded swan. The main characters include Wenny, her brother Will, their parents, and the injured swan.

Do your bones move when you jump rope?

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Asked by LilSakura

Yes, when you jump rope, your bones do move as they provide the structure and support for your body to perform the jumping motion. Bones are connected by joints and work with muscles to enable movement, including the repetitive actions involved in jumping rope.

During what dramatic festival did sophocles defeat aeschylus?

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Sophocles defeated Aeschylus at the dramatic festival called the Dionysia in 468 BC with his play "Triptolemus." This victory marked the beginning of Sophocles' prominence as a playwright in ancient Greece.

Why did they kill pancho villa?

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Pancho Villa was assassinated in 1923 in retaliation for his opposition to Mexican President Álvaro Obregón. Obregón saw Villa as a threat to his power and ordered his assassination. Villa's death was also seen as a way to eliminate a potential rival in Mexican politics.