


Academic Writing

Academic writing is a writing form that is usually serious, and intended for a critical and informed audience. It typically has an objective stance, a clear statement of the significance of the topic, and correctly utilizes formal academic rhetoric.

500 Questions

Different ways of starting an essay?

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  1. Begin with a thought-provoking question or quote to engage the reader from the start.
  2. Provide a startling statistic or fact to grab the reader's attention and highlight the significance of the topic.
  3. Share a relevant anecdote or story that sets the tone for the essay and makes a personal connection with the reader.
  4. Introduce the topic with a brief background or historical context to establish the importance of the subject matter.

When is a semi collen used?

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Asked by Wiki User

A semicolon is used to separate two independent clauses that are closely related. It can also be used to separate items in a list when the items contain commas.

What are the parts of an introduction paragraph?

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An introduction paragraph typically includes a hook or attention-grabbing opening sentence, background information on the topic, and a thesis statement that outlines the main point or argument of the essay.

What is the PS refer to?

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Asked by Wiki User

PS is an acronym for Postscript, a programming language used primarily for printing and desktop publishing. It's also commonly used to refer to a PlayStation, a popular gaming console developed by Sony.

Is 'write to me something' correct?

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The phrase "write to me something" is not grammatically correct. It should be either "write something to me" or "write me something."

Define the difference between individual and collaborative writing process?

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Individual writing process involves a person working on writing tasks independently, making decisions and revisions on their own. Collaborative writing process involves multiple people working together to create a piece of writing, sharing ideas, responsibilities, and contributing to the final product as a team.

How can you achieve coherence in writing?

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Asked by Wiki User

To achieve coherence in writing, you should ensure that your ideas flow logically from one to the next. Use transitional words and phrases to connect sentences and paragraphs. Additionally, organize your writing into clear, structured sections that follow a logical sequence.

Do I italicize all foreign words?

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It is not necessary to italicize all foreign words. Generally, foreign words that are commonly used in English or are well-known do not need to be italicized. However, if a foreign word is not commonly used and may not be familiar to the reader, it can be italicized for emphasis or to indicate its foreign origin.

Handwriting on the wall alludes to?

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Asked by Wiki User

The handwriting on the wall alludes to a warning or sign of impending doom or disaster, often referencing the story in the Bible's Book of Daniel where a mysterious hand appears and writes a message that predicts the fall of a kingdom. This phrase is commonly used to indicate a clear sign or message that something significant is about to happen.

How did the Phoenician alphabet differ from earlier forms of writing?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Phoenician alphabet was an early form of alphabetic writing that used a system of 22 characters representing consonant sounds. This was a significant departure from earlier writing systems like cuneiform and hieroglyphics, which used a combination of logograms and syllabic signs to represent words and sounds. The Phoenician alphabet's simplicity and efficiency were key factors in its widespread adoption and influence on later alphabets, including the Greek and Latin scripts.

Can i use the word you in a informative essay?

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Yes, you can use the word "you" in an informative essay if you are directly addressing the reader or providing instructions or advice. However, it is best to use it sparingly and ensure that it fits within the context of your essay's tone and purpose.

Is snopes politically biased?

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Snopes aims to be neutral and non-partisan in fact-checking, but some critics believe there may be biases present in their content. It's important to consider multiple sources when evaluating information.

How do you write a good concluding sentence?

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A good concluding sentence should summarize the main points of the paragraph or piece of writing, reiterate the thesis statement or main idea, and leave a lasting impression on the reader. It should offer closure and bring the discussion to a satisfying end. Remember to avoid introducing new information or ideas in the conclusion.

When one should write PS in a letter?

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A postscript (P.S.) is typically added at the end of a letter when the writer forgot to include something in the body of the letter but wants to quickly include it as an afterthought. It should be used sparingly and only for important or relevant information.

In grammar when do you use s apostrophe?

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Asked by Wiki User

When the word is a possessive regular plural. If you make the word plural by adding an s, this is regular, and then if you want to make it possessive you'd add the apostrophe.

For instance:

The dancers' costumes were brilliant.

How do you address a letter to Germany?

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Asked by Wiki User

To address a letter to Germany, write the recipient's name on the first line, followed by the street address on the second line, the postal code and city on the third line, and then "Germany" on the fourth line. Make sure to include the country name in capital letters.

What are some different words for warm and friendly?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some alternative words for warm and friendly are welcoming, amiable, affable, and congenial.

What are principles of seniority?

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Principles of seniority generally prioritize employees based on their length of service within a company, often for purposes such as promotion, job assignment, or layoff decisions. Seniority can help ensure a fair and consistent process for employees, but it may also lead to challenges in ensuring that merit and performance are considered alongside tenure. Seniority can be a key factor in unionized environments where collective bargaining agreements may dictate how it is used.

Which country does the word apostrophe come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

The word "apostrophe" comes from Greek, where it originally meant "turning away." It is derived from the Greek words "apo" (away) and "strophe" (turning).

How do you write two related facts?

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One way to write two related facts is to present them in a clear and direct manner, with a topic sentence introducing the main idea followed by supporting details. Make sure the facts are relevant to each other and flow logically to help the reader understand the connection between them. Using transitional phrases or words can also help link the facts together effectively.

What is excuse letter?

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An excuse letter is a formal document that explains a person's absence or inability to attend a specific event, work, school, or function. It is usually written to provide a valid reason or justification for being unable to fulfill a commitment. Excuse letters are commonly used in educational or professional settings.

How do you write a speech for a secretary?

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When writing a speech for a secretary, focus on highlighting the key responsibilities and duties of the role, emphasizing organizational skills, attention to detail, and effective communication. Include examples of how the secretary's work contributes to the success of the organization and the importance of their role in supporting the team. Conclude with appreciation for their hard work and dedication.

What are side headings?

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Side headings are headings that are typically placed in the margin beside the main body of text to indicate specific sections or topics within a document. They help readers navigate the content and identify key information at a glance. Side headings are often used in academic papers, reports, and manuals to improve readability and organization.

What is the impact of poor writing skills on the modern workplace?

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Poor writing skills in the modern workplace can lead to misunderstandings, ineffective communication, and decreased productivity. It can also impact the credibility of the individual and the organization. Clear and concise writing is essential for conveying ideas, instructions, and information effectively in a business setting.

What part of the writing process was difficult for you?

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Asked by Wiki User

I struggled with the editing process, particularly cutting down on unnecessary information and refining my ideas to be more concise.