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In order to have a good story, you must have:

1. Prewriting

2. Drafting

3. Editing

4. Revising

5. Presentation

1. You first have to think of an idea, and jot down notes about it.

2. Then you make an idea web and write notes about each topic.

3. You ask a teacher or friend to go over it with you. ( Spell Check, etc..).

4. You revise, making the official changes to it.

5. You present it to an audience.

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1mo ago

The five elements of a short story - plot, setting, characters, conflict, and theme - work together to create a vivid and engaging piece of literature. The plot provides the structure for the story, while the setting establishes the time and place, immersing the reader in the world of the story. Characters drive the plot forward and engage readers emotionally, while conflict creates tension and keeps the story moving. The theme ties everything together, providing the central message or idea that the story explores. Together, these elements work in harmony to create a descriptive and compelling short story.

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11y ago

The most effective way to answer this question is to consider the composition of short stories. Short stories tend to be told in a narrative format, dealing with only a few characters. The relationship between these characters and these characters' emotions tend to be the focus of a short story, as opposed to longer pieces, which tend to be more focused on plot. It is the interplay between the characters, the mood, and the purpose of the story that create a meaningful whole.

The parts of any story are necessary to create a meaningful whole! You can't have a good story without a little exposition or explanation, some tension, a climax, and a good wrap-up or resolution.

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10y ago

You're making this harder than it needs to be - the elements are simply the different parts of the story. They "work together" because when you write a story, you have to write a setting of some sort, have some characters and a plot, and make up some sort of conflict and theme for the story - otherwise you don't have a story at all.

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10y ago

The "elements" are not something you can take out of a box and slap into place to create a story. They're the parts that are already inside the story already. If you don't have the parts, you don't have a story at all.

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Q: How do the five elements of a short story work together to create a descriptive piece of literature?
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