



Beliefs and practices resulting from the human need to find causation in the everyday happenings of life. This is where we will try to unravel some of the unusual and esoteric things people ask us about.

500 Questions

What does it mean when a fantail flies inside your house?

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Asked by Wiki User

I have a fantail comes into the house and goes to the bathroom mirror everyday .hooks onto the edge and spends about 5min fliting around ???

Is crossing on the stairs bad luck?

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Asked by Wiki User

Beliefs about crossing stairs bringing bad luck range among cultures and individuals. Some people might also consider it bad luck to go anyone on the stairs due to superstitions or cultural traditions, while others can also now not consider such notions. Ultimately, whether or not crossing stairs is viewed as a terrible success depends on non-public beliefs and cultural influences.

When people say there is another you in the world is that true?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the idea of there being an exact duplicate of you in the world is not scientifically possible due to the uniqueness of each individual's genetic makeup and experiences. While there may be similarities between individuals, each person is ultimately one of a kind.

Is it true that you can get bad luck?

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Asked by Wiki User

Belief in bad luck is subjective and varies among individuals. Some people may believe in concepts like luck, superstition, or karma, which can influence their perceptions of events. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of luck as a tangible force that directly impacts outcomes.

Is 13 luck or unlucky?

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Asked by Wiki User

The number 13 is often considered unlucky in Western cultures, stemming from various historical and cultural superstitions. However, beliefs about luck are subjective and vary across different societies and individuals.

Does breaking a mirror brings bad luck for seven years?

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Asked by Wiki User

The belief that breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck likely originated from ancient superstitions linking mirrors to the soul. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. It is just a superstition.

Give 3 superstition beliefs that you know?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Breaking a mirror will bring seven years of bad luck.
  2. Finding a four-leaf clover is considered good luck.
  3. Walking under a ladder is believed to bring bad luck.

What are five superstitious beliefs?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Breaking a mirror brings 7 years of bad luck.
  2. Walking under a ladder is unlucky.
  3. Finding a four-leaf clover brings good luck.
  4. It's bad luck to open an umbrella indoors.
  5. Seeing a black cat crossing your path is considered unlucky.

What type of creatures are gods and jinns?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gods are typically considered to be divine or supernatural beings with power and authority over aspects of the world. Jinns are supernatural creatures in Islamic belief, often depicted as beings made of smokeless fire capable of shape-shifting and possessing free will. Both are commonly associated with spiritual or religious contexts.

What is the origin of salt over shoulder superstition?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is believed the "devil" stands over the left shoulder of a person. As salt was once considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity, spilling it is thought of as wasteful and a means to tempt the "devil" into taking it from you. Throwing salt over your left shoulder is supposed to "blind the devil" into not seeing the opportunity to reduce your material wealth.

How many years of a bad luck go with a breaking mirror?

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Asked by Wiki User

The belief that breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck dates back to Roman times. This superstition likely originated because mirrors were considered to hold a person's soul, so breaking one was thought to cause harm to the soul for a prolonged period.

What is french for bad companions bring bad luck?

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Asked by Wiki User

de mauvais compagnons amènent mauvaise fortune

What are some chilling things people have done in History involving superstitions?

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Asked by Wiki User

In history, people have committed heinous acts like witch trials and executions based on superstitions. For example, during the Salem witch trials in the late 1600s, many innocent individuals were accused of witchcraft and executed. Additionally, practices like human sacrifice in ancient civilizations were often driven by superstitious beliefs.

Are ghosts science fiction?

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Ghosts are typically considered part of the supernatural or paranormal realm rather than science fiction. Science fiction usually incorporates speculative elements based on scientific principles, while ghosts are more associated with folklore, spirituality, and beliefs in the afterlife.

What happens in Scottish superstition if a strange black cat is seen on the porch?

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Asked by Mcsidney123

In Scottish superstition, the sighting of a strange black cat on the porch is often considered a sign of impending misfortune or bad luck. It is believed that encountering such a cat may bring about negative events or even indicate the presence of malevolent forces.

Which Scottish based play is considered unlucky and had much negative superstition attached to it?

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Asked by Mcsidney123

The play is called "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare. It is considered unlucky to say the name of the play inside a theater, so actors often refer to it as "The Scottish Play" instead. This superstition dates back to historical accidents and mishaps that occurred during performances of the play.

If someone jump over there body is bad luck?

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Asked by Wiki User

Jumping over someone's body is considered disrespectful in many cultures and can be viewed as bad luck or bring negative energy. It is generally best to avoid this practice to show respect for the person's space and well-being.

How many years of bad luck if you break a mirrow?

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Asked by Wiki User

The belief that breaking a mirror results in seven years of bad luck originates from ancient superstitions. The idea is that the distorted reflection in a broken mirror symbolizes a distorted future ahead. It is simply a superstition and does not have any scientific basis.

What time does the Barghest appear?

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Asked by Mcsidney123

The Barghest is said to appear at night, particularly in locations with eerie atmospheres such as graveyards or misty moors. It is often associated with times when the veil between the living and the spirit world is thinnest, like during the witching hours of midnight.

Is it bad luck to break a crystal?

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Asked by Wiki User

In some beliefs, breaking a crystal can be seen as a sign of disrupted energy or a need to release negativity. However, others view it as a chance for transformation and change. Ultimately, the interpretation depends on personal beliefs and intentions.

Do you get bad luck if you kill a wasp?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that killing a wasp will bring bad luck. However, wasps are beneficial insects that play a role in the ecosystem, so it's generally recommended to remove them using humane methods if possible.

Just broke a mirror is there anyway of not getting bad luck?

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Asked by Wiki User

One way to counteract the bad luck associated with breaking a mirror is to bury the pieces under a full moon to cleanse the negative energy. Alternatively, sprinkle salt over the broken mirror pieces and leave them for a day before disposing of them to ward off bad luck. Remember, staying positive and optimistic can often help mitigate any perceived bad luck.

Are there any myths or legends about Uruguay?

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Asked by Wiki User

One popular legend in Uruguay is the tale of the "Lobizon," a werewolf-like creature said to roam the countryside. Another legend is about the "Yaguarete-Abá," a giant jaguar-like beast that terrorizes locals in the region. These myths are ingrained in the country's folklore and culture.

How do you Counteract 7 years bad luck from broken mirror?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no scientific evidence to support the concept of seven years of bad luck from breaking a mirror. However, if you believe in the superstition, some common remedies include burying the broken pieces under a tree during a full moon, tossing the mirror remains into running water, or reaching out to seven friends to each break a mirror piece to share the bad luck with others.

What do superstitions cause?

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Asked by Wiki User

Superstitions can cause irrational fears, anxiety, and unnecessary stress in individuals who believe in them. They can also lead to the spread of misinformation and promote unfounded beliefs based on luck or supernatural occurrences.