


Euthanasia involves deliberately ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition painlessly by lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment. Active euthanasia is illegal in most jurisdictions, while passive euthanasia, or the withholding of some life support systems, has legal standing in some jurisdictions. Questions about voluntary or involuntary euthanasia, assisted suicide, and the "right to die" are asked and answered here.

500 Questions

What people are affected by euthanasia?

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Euthanasia can affect patients who may consider it as an option to end their suffering, as well as their families who may have to make difficult decisions about end-of-life care. Healthcare providers involved in administering or considering euthanasia may also be impacted emotionally, morally, and legally. Additionally, society at large may be affected by debates surrounding ethical, legal, and moral implications of euthanasia.

Where can you get euthanasia?

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Euthanasia is illegal in many countries and only allowed in limited circumstances in others. In places where euthanasia is legal, it is typically administered by a healthcare professional in a hospital or clinic setting after meeting certain legal and medical criteria. Consult with a qualified healthcare provider for more information on the laws and options available in your area.

How much money did the government spend doing euthanasia in 2009?

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The government did not spend any money on euthanasia in 2009. Euthanasia is typically funded by private individuals or organizations and is not a service provided or funded by the government.

Why do people do euthanasia?

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People may choose euthanasia to end suffering and pain that may be terminal or unbearable for them. It can be a way for them to have control over their own death and avoid a prolonged, painful process. Some may also choose euthanasia to relieve the burden on their loved ones.

How many people a year die from emphysema?

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In the United States, approximately 150,000 people die each year from emphysema. This respiratory condition is often caused by smoking or long-term exposure to air pollution. Early diagnosis and treatment can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life for those with emphysema.

Is emphysema life threatening?

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Yes, emphysema is a serious lung condition that can be life-threatening, especially if left untreated or if the individual continues to smoke. It leads to gradual damage of the air sacs in the lungs, making it difficult to breathe and reducing the body's ability to get oxygen into the bloodstream. Early diagnosis and treatment can help manage symptoms and slow down the progression of the disease.

Does Oregon allow Euthanasia?

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Yes, Oregon allows euthanasia, also known as physician-assisted suicide, under the Death with Dignity Act. This law allows terminally ill patients to request and receive medication to end their life. The process is closely regulated and involves strict safeguards to ensure the patient's decision is fully voluntary.

What is the disadvantage of euthanasia?

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Advantages of euthanasia, or right-to die policies, is in allowing the person to maintain a dignity in death after a lifetime of dignity. It may provide them with a sense of empowerment in the face of being powerless against the progression of a chronic, perhaps fatal, disease. It can also relieve some of the guilt and shame they may be feeling as they require increasing amounts of time and resources from relatives, especially if estranged over years. A central theme includes a persons quality of life. Disadvantages may involve the "slippery slope" many ethicists feel may occur, thinking that voluntary euthanasia can devalue human life. Quality of life is not as significant a theme as is maintenance of a life. Many religious groups feel this may eventually lead to such a widespread value system in society that elderly individuals may be pressured against their will to utilize this option by those with a vested interest ( beneficiaries of life insurance policies, directors of health maintenance organizations, etc.).

Should euthanasia mercy killing be legal?

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The legality of euthanasia is a complex and controversial topic with moral, ethical, and legal considerations. Some argue that it can provide a compassionate end for those suffering from terminal illness, while others raise concerns about potential abuse and the sanctity of life. Ultimately, the decision on whether euthanasia should be legal is a matter for society to debate and determine through careful consideration of various viewpoints and consequences.

What is physician-assisted suicide?

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Physician-assisted suicide is a practice where a physician provides a terminally ill patient with the means to end their own life, typically through medication. This practice is controversial and subject to legal restrictions in many countries. It is important to distinguish this from euthanasia, where a medical professional administers the lethal dose.

How many people die from euthanasia each year?

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About 1,000

edit: due to bombs laid by me!

What are some actions made by the Church regarding the issue about Euthanasia?

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As Christians, Catholics believe that human life is a sacred gift from God to be cherished and respected because every human being is created in the image and likeness of God.

In heeding God's command, "Thou shall not kill", we recognize that we cannot end of our lives or the lives of others as we please. We must respect and protect the dignity of human from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death.

Both euthanasia and assisted suicide violate God's commandment not to kill.

Euthanasia occurs when a doctor or medical staff person administers a lethal dose of medication with the intention of killing the patient.

Assisted suicide occurs when a doctor or medical staff person prescribes a lethal amount of medication with the intent of helping a person commit suicide. The patient then takes the dose or turns the switch.

We also recognize the need for the proper management of pain. Modern medicine provides effective treatments for pain that guarantees that no one will suffer a painful death. No one needs to escape pain by seeking death.

Suicidal wishes among the terminally ill are due to treatable depression similar to that of other suicidal people. If we address their pain, depression and other problems, then there is generally no more talk of suicide.

Repercussions of Assisted Suicide

+ The patient seriously, possibly completely, damages his or her relationship with God.

+ Anyone assisting a suicide gravely endangers his or her spiritual, psychological, and emotional well-being including family members and medical professionals.

+ Corruption of the medical profession: whose ethical code calls on physicians to serve life and never to kill. The American Medical Association, the American Nurses Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and dozens of other medical groups argue that the power to assist in taking patients' lives is "a power that most health-care professionals do not want and could not control."

+ Society will more and more disregards the dignity of human life.

Possible Corruptions

+ Exploitation of the marginalized: The poor, the elderly, minorities, those who lack health insurance would be the first to feel pressure to die.

+ Cost control: Patients with long term or expensive illnesses and considered economic liabilities would be encouraged die.

+ Rebirth of historical prejudices: Many able-bodied people, including some physicians, say they would "rather be dead than disabled." Such prejudices could easily lead families, physicians, and society to encourage death for people who are depressed and emotionally vulnerable as they adjust to life with a serious illness or disability.

Jesus uttered the words of faith that continue to inspire and to guide the Church's teaching in this mystery of Christian death: "This is why the Father loves me, because I lay down my life in order to take it up again."

Where does assisted suicide take place?

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Currently the only states in the United States of America where doctor assisted suicide is legal is in Washington, Oregon and Montana however all states have the power to allow and regulate assisted suicide.

What is Hinduism thoughts for euthanasia?

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According to BHAGAVAT GITA, God Krishna says that, u cannot kill anyone or create anyone. Because, when u die, the soul leaves this body and enters another body.

and when u take birth the same thing happens. the parts of the body will go in the soil and will support another lives for eg: the plants absorb nutrition from the dead body, or the worm gets its food from the dead bodies. and later some one may eat the plant or another animal eats the worm. so, its a cycle.

any thing which is born dies, and anything which dies will take birth.

In which states is physician assisted suicide legal?

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Oregon legaized it through state legislature in the late 1990s, Washington legalized it in 2008 through Initiative-1000, and Montana legalized it Dec 2008/Jan 2009 through a court decision by Judge Dorothy McCarter

Are you favour in euthanasia?

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Of course. It does not hurt the animal and it allows you to kill him. If we did not have this technology, then the doctors would probably shoot the animal, because that is really the only other way to kill them.

What happens during assisted suicide?

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Assisted suicide is when the person who is committing suicide is assisted by another person, who will provide the implements of the suicide and/or instructions, and who knows that the person is about to commit suicide. Normally the suicide patient will follow instructions, which will induce his death.

When was euthanasia first started?

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Euthanasia was invented or started by Hitler because he wanted to purify the races (Jews) Euthanasia was invented or started by Hitler because he wanted to purify the races (Jews)

Why did the Netherlands make euthanasia legal?

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A person should have the ultimate control over their own life. Many people would choose doctor assisted euthanasia if it was available. In fact, many do. Many dying people have asked a family member or partner for that kind of help and many have honored that request. It has been performed for centuries where family members and family doctors have honored the wish of a dying relative or patient to help end their suffering. The right to die should be as respected as the right to live. It should be a matter of personal choice and should be carried out with all the support necessary to make one's last hours comfortable and safe, and one's passing peaceful. It is widely available in some areas.

Difference between euthanasia and suicide?

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this is usually a health/ disease related medical death.

Euthanasia is suicide that is performed as a medical procedure, usually because the patient has a terminal disease and the only other choice is a long, drawn out, painful death.

this is because otherwise the patient will die, no matter what, and the doctor gets it over with.

Is euthanasia illegal in Great Britain?

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euthanasia should be allowed because ive seen people suffer and it is not a nice thing to see

I believe euthanasia should be legal for a different reason. It's true that it's not nice. But that's a little vague, don't you think?

If someone wants to die for a good reason, let them die! Does putting someone out of their misery make us bad people? HELL NO! If anything, it makes us good people.

What does Islam say about euthanasia?

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Islam categorically forbids all forms of suicide and any action that may help another to kill themselves.

A Muslim who commits suicide is not even given burial rights. The precedent for this comes from the Islamic prophet Muhammad having refused to bless the body of a person who had committed suicide.

If an individual is suffering from a terminal illness, it is permissible for the individual to refuse medication and/or resuscitation. Other examples include individuals suffering from kidney failure who refuse dialysis treatments and cancer patients who refuse chemotherapy.

How to make a rationale about euthanasia?

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You start by saying what euthanasia is. If it is simply a speech, and not an argumentative piece, stay neutral on the subject, giving both sides a fair chance, say why it is done, and the choice of the family members. Give statistical data if possible, on the frequency of the act, and other details relevant to the matter. However if it is an argumentative or convincing speech; say what it is and how you feel about it, for eg. if you are against euthanasia, you can say ' Euthanasia is.............. and about one third of persons who have been in a comatose or totally dependent state are put to rest in this way. If you are totally passionate about this you might want to use a more hard hitting phrase than ' put to rest'. Then you can say if you agree or disagree on the use of euthanasia, by using words like strongly, passionate, 'no doubt in my mind' etc.

Hope this helped you!

What is the definition for non-voluntary euthanasia?

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One Ans, which I offer with some diffidence, is:- "IF THE PATIENT 'IS SUFFERING-EXTREME PAIN ' AND IS NOT ABLE OF THEIR OWN VOLITION ,TO MAKE THE "LET ME DIE OF NATURAL CAUSES DECISION" BUT ARE KEPT ALIVE,AGAINST THEIR WILL. I DO NOT HOLD THIS TO BE RIGHT.. .ie:- IF THE PRE-CURSORY CONDITION IS THIS, ''THAT THEY ARE ONLY ALIVE BECAUSE OF CONSTANT MEDICAL SUPPORT AND DOCTORS MEDICAL ARTS' and are in 'CONSTANT PAIN AND SUFFERING'-Then, and only then,! "The one dying is assisted in the process, by the removal, or witholding of their current life sustaining medication/ equipment, or support, by a Doctor/ partner/,close blood relative/,or established family friend, who is able to perceive, that it is more MERCIFUL to allow them to die,(ALBEIT WITH PAIN-KILLERS) (by making the "CEASE SUPPORT DECISION") than to keep them living on in a constant state of agony, pain and misery, (Which I hold to be cruel !!)..and this is done for them, because they are no longer physically or mentally able to comprehend their STATE ,(owing to, and by their condition,) and are, therefore, 'NOT ABLE OF THEIR OWN VOLITION' to make the "ALLOW ME TO DIE" from natural causes decision. (Essentially it is, 'TO LET LIVE, OR LET DIE', on the basis of- 'IS THE PERSON IN CONSTANT PAIN-YES or NO?. THIS MY ANSWER ,-DOES NOT MEAN I COULD, OR WOULD MAKE THE DECISION,...but to those faced with the dilemma- I see that "MERCY ON THE SUFFERER" seems a right answer.