

Ice Ages

Caused by long periods of reduced atmospheric and surface temperature, widespread continental glaciation and cooling are called Ice Ages or Glacial Ages. Questions about the most recent and current geologic period, the Quaternary, and other ice ages are what this category is all about.

500 Questions

How migration is effect by age?

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Asked by Brienderlohargp8721

Migration is influenced by age in several ways. Younger people may be more likely to migrate in search of better educational or job opportunities, while older individuals may migrate in search of retirement destinations. Additionally, age can impact the ability to adapt to a new environment and establish social connections, which can influence the decision to migrate.

How age affect the relearning mobility?

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Asked by Wiki User

Age can affect relearning mobility as older individuals may experience decreased physical strength, flexibility, and balance, which can make relearning mobility more challenging. However, with regular practice and targeted exercises, older individuals can improve their mobility and regain independence in their movements. It is important for older adults to work with healthcare professionals to develop a personalized relearning mobility plan that takes into account their age-related changes and abilities.

What language was spoken during the ice age?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is difficult to definitively know what language was spoken during the ice age as language leaves no physical trace. However, it is believed that early humans likely communicated using a form of proto-language or a combination of simple vocalizations, gestures, and body language. These early forms of communication would have evolved over time into the complex languages we have today.

What is great anger answer end with age?

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Asked by Wiki User

The answer to this riddle is "outrage."

What age does agoge end?

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Asked by Wiki User

The agoge, or Spartan education system, typically ended around the age of 20 for young Spartan men. At this point, they would officially become full-fledged citizens and could participate in military campaigns.

How did human societies begin to change at the conclusion of the last Ice Age?

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Asked by Wiki User

At the end of the last Ice Age, human societies transitioned from nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyles to settled agricultural communities. This shift was driven by the warming climate and the availability of resources that supported the development of farming. The Neolithic Revolution marked a significant turning point in human history, leading to the development of permanent settlements, specialization of labor, and the rise of complex civilizations.

How did the ice age affect human being?

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Asked by Wiki User

During the ice age, human populations had to adapt to harsh conditions by seeking shelter in caves, developing new tools for hunting and gathering, and moving in search of food. Some researchers believe that the ice age led to the development of unique human traits, such as larger brains and more complex social structures, in order to survive in challenging environments. Overall, the ice age tested human resilience and innovation, shaping our ancestors in ways that influenced their evolution.

What caused humans to migrate during the ice age?

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Asked by Wiki User

During the ice age, changes in climate and environments led to shifts in resource availability. To adapt and survive, humans migrated to new areas with more favorable conditions for hunting, gathering, and living. This movement helped spread the human population to different parts of the world.

How did the ice age affect human life?

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Asked by Wiki User

During the ice age, humans adapted by developing specialized tools for hunting and gathering in cold environments. The harsh conditions of the ice age also likely influenced the migration patterns of early humans as they followed food sources and sought warmer climates. Some evidence suggests that periods of extreme cold during the ice age may have led to population declines and challenges in finding food.

How many glacial periods have there been during the last two million years?

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Asked by Wiki User

There have been multiple glacial periods, known as ice ages, during the last two million years. These ice ages are characterized by intervals of cold climate when ice sheets covered much of the Earth's surface. The exact number of glacial periods can vary depending on the scientific definition used.

How did the last great ice age have an effect on humans settling in the Americas?

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Asked by Wiki User

During the last great ice age, large ice sheets locked up much of Earth's water, lowering sea levels and creating a land bridge between Asia and North America known as Beringia. This allowed humans to migrate from Asia into North America, eventually leading to the settling of the Americas.

What is the scientific estimation of how long life has been on earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

Life on Earth is estimated to have originated around 3.5 to 3.8 billion years ago based on fossil evidence and molecular data analysis. This estimation is constantly being refined as new discoveries are made, but current scientific consensus points to this timeframe for the emergence of life on our planet.

Why did ice age people live in caves?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ice age people lived in caves because caves provided shelter from harsh weather conditions, protection from predators, and a place to store food and resources. Caves were naturally insulated, making them ideal for maintaining an environment that was warmer than the outside.

How tall were humans during the ice age?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humans during the ice age were similar in height to modern humans, averaging around 5 to 6 feet tall. There is evidence to suggest that some populations may have been slightly shorter due to environmental factors and living conditions.

If dinosaurs were around before the Ice Age when did neanderthal born before or after?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dinosaurs were on earth a long time before neanderthal.

Dinosaurs lived on earth from about 230 to 65 million years ago.

Neanderthal features started to evolve around 650,000 years ago (over 64 million years after the extinction of the dinosaurs) and the 1st true neanderthals appeared about 130,000 years ago.

What effect did the end of the ice age have on the people living in the Americas?

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Asked by Wiki User

The end of the ice age resulted in the melting of glaciers, leading to rising sea levels which affected coastal communities in the Americas. It also allowed for the migration of new plants and animals, influencing the development of diverse cultures and societies in the region. Additionally, the changing climate allowed for more sustainable agriculture practices.

How did the neanderthals deal with the ice age?

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Asked by Wiki User

Neanderthals lived during the ice age and adapted to the harsh conditions by developing specialized tools, hunting techniques, and clothing made from animal hides to withstand the cold. They also sought shelter in caves or built simple structures to protect themselves from the elements. Additionally, the availability of resources and their ability to adapt to changing climates played a crucial role in their survival during this period.

How long ago was the Pleistocene?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Pleistocene Epoch was from about 1.8 million to 11,000 years ago. The word means "nearly present" or "most new" in Greek.

It is marked by the ice ages and the emergence of the human species.

Who wrote the 1970s paperback ICE?

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Asked by Wiki User

ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) was written by Jack Prochnow and published in 1976 as a Technothriller novel. It follows a team of scientists racing against time to stop an eccentric billionaire from completing a powerful engine that could shift the global power balance.

What does Maroo's family from Maroo of the Winter Caves call the seals they see?

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Asked by Wiki User

Maroo's family from "Maroo of the Winter Caves" call the seals they see "eskimos."

What is a summary of Maroo of the Winter Caves?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Maroo of the Winter Caves" is a historical fiction novel by Ann Turnbull that follows the story of Maroo, a young girl from the Paleolithic era who embarks on a journey to find her family after a devastating earthquake separates them. Along the way, Maroo faces various challenges and learns valuable lessons about survival, determination, and the importance of community. The novel provides a glimpse into the daily life and struggles of early humans as Maroo navigates the harsh landscape of Ice Age Europe.

How where homes after the ice age?

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Asked by Wiki User

After the Ice Age, humans began to settle down in permanent homes. These homes were primarily made from materials such as wood, animal bones, and stones. The exact construction and design of these homes varied depending on the region and the resources available. However, common examples include pit dwellings, earth-sheltered homes, and huts made from wood or animal skins.

Did the ice age create the land bridge?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, the ice age played a significant role in creating land bridges. During periods of glaciation, huge amounts of water were trapped in ice sheets, causing a drop in sea levels. As a result, land bridges formed, connecting previously isolated areas, such as the Bering Land Bridge between Asia and North America. These land bridges allowed the migration of plants, animals, and even early human populations between continents.

Why were clovis points important to ancient indians?

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Asked by Wiki User

Clovis points were important to ancient Indians because they were highly effective tools for hunting and warfare. These points, which were attached to spears or arrows, were carefully crafted and provided a sharp edge for better penetration and killing of prey. They were essential for survival, allowing ancient Indians to hunt large animals such as mammoths and bison more efficiently.

List in order clovis points were found in New Mexico ice age begins Pre-Clovis artifacts are found near Monte verde Chile and people migrate from Asia to North America?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Ice age begins
  2. Pre-Clovis artifacts are found near Monte Verde, Chile (indicating early human presence in the Americas)
  3. People migrate from Asia to North America, potentially crossing via the Bering land bridge
  4. Clovis points are found in New Mexico (indicating the presence of a distinct Paleo-Indian culture)