


The pyramids were built thousands of years ago. They were built to honor their Pharaohs, Gods and Goddesses. These days, they are one of the greatest tourist attractions.

500 Questions

What are good voir dire questions?

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Asked by Wiki User

Good voir dire questions should focus on uncovering biases, attitudes, and experiences that potential jurors may have that could impact their ability to be impartial. Questions should be open-ended, specific, and designed to elicit honest responses from jurors. Examples include, "Have you ever been a victim of a crime?" or "Do you have any beliefs that would prevent you from being fair and impartial in this case?"

Why they did the Pyramids?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Egyptians built the pyramids to house their Pharaohs in the afterlife. Many people who weren't a pharaoh, like important people in Egyptian history, were buried along with the pharaohs. Oftentimes, Pharaohs were buried with trinkets and food and wine because they believed that when their spirit left their bodies they took the possessions with them.

as for the Mayans and every other civilization that constructed pyramids, I do not know why. I'm guessing that they built them for many the same reasons although the Mayan pyramids were definitely built before the Egyptian pyramids.

How did early civilizations used the position of certain stars for such buildings as Mayan pyramids and Greek temples?

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Asked by Wiki User

Early civilizations used the position of certain stars for buildings like Mayan pyramids and Greek temples to align them with astronomical events like solstices, equinoxes, or important celestial events, linking their structures to a broader cosmic framework and possibly for religious or ceremonial reasons. By aligning these buildings with specific stars or constellations, these ancient civilizations demonstrated their knowledge of astronomy and sought to establish connections between the earthly and the celestial realms.

What type of book that has a pyramid with a eye in it called?

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Asked by Wiki User

The symbol you are referring to is typically associated with the Illuminati, a secret society conspiracy theory. Books that discuss this symbol or conspiracy theory may fall under the genre of conspiracy theories or secret societies.

What is the 30 foot wall surrounding the base of a Pyramid called?

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The Ancient Egypt thirty-foot wall surrounding the base of the pyramid is called a Temenos.

Are pyramids built for burying kings or pharaohs?

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Pharaohs were the Egyptian kings. Though the egyptians did not call them kings, but pharaohs. So the pyramids were built fir pharaohs/kings.

What people were buried in the pyramids?

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The pyramids of Egypt were primarily built as tombs for the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. These pharaohs were believed to be divine rulers and were buried with valuable treasures and belongings they would need in the afterlife. Some of the famous pharaohs buried in the pyramids include Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure.

What three important things did Darry do in the outsiders?

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  1. Darry assumed the role of a parent figure for his younger brothers, Ponyboy and Sodapop, after their parents' death. He worked hard to provide for them and ensure they had a stable home.

  2. Darry was a talented high school football player, and he sacrificed his own dreams of a college scholarship to take care of his family. This shows his selflessness and dedication to his brothers.

  3. Darry also played a vital role in the Socs-Greasers conflict, acting as a protector for his gang. He fought off the Socs and made sure his gang stayed safe, displaying his loyalty and bravery.

Where were the pyramids located?

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The most famous pyramids, the Pyramids of Giza, are located on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. They were built as tombs for the pharaohs during the Old Kingdom period of Ancient Egypt. There are also other pyramids scattered around Egypt, such as those in Saqqara and Dahshur.

Where did the workers find the stone that built the pyramids?

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The stone that was used to build the pyramids, particularly the Great Pyramid of Giza, was quarried from nearby sources. The limestone came from quarries along the Nile River, mainly on the east bank, while the granite used for certain parts of the pyramids came from Aswan, located further south. Workers would transport the stone using boats and sledges, taking advantage of the river's proximity to the construction sites.

Compare and Contrast pyramids and mastabas?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pyramids and mastabas are both ancient Egyptian architectural structures used for burials. However, pyramids are larger and grander in scale compared to mastabas. Pyramids are characterized by their triangular shape and were mainly built for pharaohs, while mastabas were rectangular and were used by nobles and high-ranking officials.

What is a triangular shaped tomb?

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A triangular shaped tomb is a burial structure or monument that is designed in the shape of a triangle. This type of tomb is less common and typically has three sides that come together at a point. Triangular tombs can be found in various cultures and time periods, and they may have different architectural and symbolic meanings depending on the context.

How many people did it take to make one of the pyramids in Egypt?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is estimated that tens of thousands of workers were involved in the construction of the pyramids in Egypt. The exact number of people may vary depending on the size and complexity of the pyramid, as well as the time period in which it was built.

How were the pyramids blocks pulled?

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Asked by Wiki User

The exact method of how the pyramid blocks were pulled is not known with certainty. However, it is believed that the blocks were likely pulled using a combination of ramps, sledges, and ropes. It is possible that large groups of workers would have used these tools to physically drag the blocks into place.

Was quarry used to build pyramids?

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Yes, limestone quarries were used to extract the stones needed to build the pyramids in ancient Egypt. The most famous quarry used for this purpose is the Tura quarry, located near Cairo, which provided the fine white limestone used for the outer casing of the pyramids. Other quarries, such as those at Giza and Aswan, also supplied the necessary stones for construction.

What are some theories on how the pyramids were built?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are several theories on how the pyramids were built. One popular theory suggests that they were built using a ramp system, where workers gradually built ramps around the pyramid while constructing it. Another theory proposes the use of cranes and levers to lift and position the heavy stones. Some even suggest that advanced technology or extraterrestrial help was involved. However, the exact method remains a subject of ongoing research and speculation.

How many pyramids stand today?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are many pyramids still standing today, but the most famous are the pyramids of Egypt. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest and most well-known, while there are also pyramids at sites like Saqqara and Dahshur. In total, there are around 138 pyramids in Egypt.

Who design the Giza pyramid?

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The Giza pyramid complex, including the Great Pyramid, was designed and built by ancient Egyptians during the Old Kingdom period. The exact identity of the architect or architects is unknown, as they were not credited in any historical records. It is believed to have been a collaborative effort by skilled engineers and workers.

Why was the queens pyramid smaller?

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There are different reasons why the queens' pyramids in Ancient Egypt were smaller than the kings'. One reason is that the queen's role was not as significant as the king's in Egyptian society. Additionally, the construction of the pyramids was a time-consuming and expensive process, so making the queen's pyramid smaller may have been a practical decision to save resources.

A fact about Dayr al-Bahri?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dayr al-Bahri is an ancient necropolis located on the west bank of the Nile River in Egypt. It is famous for its stunning mortuary temples, including the Temple of Hatshepsut, which was built during the New Kingdom period. The architectural and artistic features of Dayr al-Bahri make it a significant historical and archaeological site in Egypt.

How did they transport the materials to and from the pyramids?

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Asked by Wiki User

The ancient Egyptians used various methods to transport materials to and from the pyramids. One method involved using boats to transport heavy stones and building materials along the Nile River. They also used sledges and wooden sleds to pull and transport materials over land. Additionally, they may have used ramps and levers to move large stones into place.

Most pyramids were built?

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Asked by Wiki User

in ancient Egypt as tombs for pharaohs and their families. The largest and most famous pyramid is the Great Pyramid of Giza, built as a tomb for the pharaoh Khufu. These pyramids were constructed using stone blocks and were designed with precise measurements and calculations to symbolize the pharaoh's power and ensure their safe journey to the afterlife.

Why auditing is important?

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Asked by Wiki User

Auditing is not as importnat as it might seem to be. It is only important and useful for stakeholders (i.e. shareholders, bankers, investors etc) that have an interest in public corporations. Stakeholders require an assurance on management behavioursand assertions that they make in financial reports. This is the primary function of external auditors; that's is to provide a credibility to the financial information that stakeholders need to make sound business decisions. stakeholders do not need any type of information, they specifically need an error free reliable information. On the other hand, auditing for small businesses and private corporations may not be required at all because they don't post their shares on public stock exchanges!!!!


Most common issues that arise from multiple identities are those that can cause an organization from failing to fall under the numerous regulatory acts. Financial organizations come to the forefront in this scenario. These issues can be successfully overcome by conducting identity auditing that keeps under its vigil segregation of duties and prohibiting erroneous aggregation of privileges.

Identity auditing involves access review that tracks approvals and also provides tighter controls over access to private employee data. Such controls help maintain integrity of financial and HR data. This proves that identity auditing capabilities are central to helping companies achieve regulatory compliance within a reasonable cost.

Why are ecological pyramids shaped like pyramids?

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Asked by Wiki User

The energy pyramid is shaped like a triangle to show how not all the energy of one organism transfers to the next level. The triangle decreases in size going up as does the amount of energy transferred. A graphical model that is shaped like a pyramid to show how the energy flows through a food chain, how the amount of energy is decreasing and becoming less available for organisms as it enters each trophic level, and how much of the energy in the ecosystem is lost to the atmosphere as heat.

What are three kinds of ecological pyramids?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Energy flux pyramid
  1. Biomass pyramid
  1. Numbers pyramid (the numerical value of the organisms in each trofic level)
The pyramid of numbers and the pyramid of biomass are two kinds of ecological pyramids. Another is the pyramid of energy.